Tag: Instagram
Displate Recognized Among the Top Licensees in the World
Displate, the manufacturer of unique magnet-mounted metal posters, was named one of the top licensees in the world by License Global Magazine.
The industry’s leading...
Digital Excess – 20% of Young Poles Spend More than 6 Hours a Day...
The digital hygiene of Poles needs improvement. This especially applies to young adults aged 18 to 24 - with as much as 1/5 of...
Indonesia bans direct sales on social media
The Indonesian government has banned social media platforms from conducting direct sales. This is a blow to TikTok, as this was the second largest...
Social Media Users Targeted in New Wave of Cyber Attacks
Many social media users are being forced to deal with account deactivations, total deletions, and theft from linked payment cards as a new wave...
About 20% of Energy-related Content on Polish Internet is Disinformation. The Industry Decides to...
On average, every second Pole encounters content related to energy on the internet daily. Even one in five such messages can be misinformation, according...