AI Revolution: Polish Employers Unprepared

Code-collar workers

Nearly one in four individuals representing companies operating in Poland believes that, with the implementation of artificial intelligence-based solutions, employee salaries will decrease. 60% believe that AI development will not affect wage levels. However, it can significantly improve productivity, create new jobs, and change the requirements for job candidates. Employers are not fully prepared to respond to the AI revolution. There’s a lack of procedures to verify its operation and plans for employee reskilling – according to the study “AI and the labor market in Poland”, prepared by Cpl Poland and job portals Just Join IT and

The development of artificial intelligence is a topic consistently making headlines. Both employees and employers must keep up with trends to remain competitive in the job market. Recruitment company Cpl Poland and job portals Just Join IT and examined the practical adoption of AI solutions in Poland and the opportunities and threats they bring.

For this purpose, over 100 company representatives and over 600 office workers were surveyed, and the findings were presented in the report “AI and the labor market in Poland”. In addition to employers and employees, an AI in the form of ChatGPT was also consulted.

The impact of artificial intelligence on the labor market is inevitable and deserves attention from both employers and candidates. Workers need to be flexible and ready to learn new tools, which may be challenging but also creates opportunities for career development. On the other hand, employers can automate certain positions thanks to AI, potentially leading to staff reductions. The key to success for both groups will be the ability to adapt and continually develop skills to meet challenges and take advantage of emerging technology opportunities – said Katarzyna Piotrowska, Country Manager of Cpl Poland.

The labor market is rapidly changing, and artificial intelligence significantly accelerates the ongoing changes, indicating new, more profitable directions for company development. As the report shows, as many as 87% believe that AI will lead to the creation of new types of jobs, and therefore new positions. Simultaneously, key competencies facilitating coexistence with AI will change. Critical thinking ability and effective communication will be most valued – said Piotr Nowosielski, CEO of Just Join IT.

From the survey, 61% of office workers rate their knowledge about artificial intelligence as good, and 17% as advanced. 6% of respondents professionally use AI solutions. Among company representatives, 38% rate their general knowledge about AI as basic (vs. 22% of employees), and 53% as good. Advanced use of AI for professional purposes is reported by 8.57% of business representatives.

Which areas can AI replace in the Polish labor market? Primarily translations and copywriting (over 80% indications), graphic design and customer service (over 65% indications), photo processing, and data analysis and processing (over 55% indications). Programming and consulting, e.g., in the field of law, is indicated by about 35% of respondents. Interestingly, 1.5% of respondents believe that no professional areas will be replaced.

Will AI reduce our salaries? Among the surveyed employees, 28% believe that due to AI, wages will fall, and 17% believe the opposite. Over half (54%) state that AI will have no impact on earnings. Employers are a bit more optimistic. 60% predict that AI will not affect wage levels. However, 23% indicate that artificial intelligence will contribute to a decrease in earnings. What will the reality be?

AI already has a significant impact on the labor market and has the potential to further shape wages in the future. Firstly, work automation. AI and robotics can replace some routine and repetitive tasks, leading to reduced demand for workers. As a result, some positions may be reduced, which may affect competitiveness in the labor market and reduce the wages of employees in these positions. Secondly, AI can help create new jobs. Employees who acquire AI-related skills will be more competitive, positively affecting their wage growth. Programmers, data engineers, data analysts, and machine learning experts can already enjoy wage increases, as their skills are increasingly valued in the job market – said Katarzyna Piotrowska, Country Manager of Cpl Poland.

Are employers unprepared for AI? Company representatives are still unsure whether to introduce procedures to verify that AI tools operate ethically and reliably. Only every fourth company plans to address this area of challenges. Polish employers also don’t have plans to reskill employees whose roles may be replaced by AI. Only 7% of them indicate that they are considering such solutions.

The pace of AI development is incredibly fast. With widespread access to ChatGPT, Midjourney, and other solutions, employees are extensively testing them at home and bringing their acquired skills to work to be more efficient. This poses a significant challenge for companies to prepare AI usage policies; there is a lot to be done in this field – said Piotr Nowosielski, CEO of Just Join IT.