Car Scanner startup gets $2M in the seed investment round led by ffVC


Car Scanner brings the world’s first mobile lie detector for used car sales with fusion of robotics and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies. Cracow-based startup develops robots tha uses autonomous navigation and AI to inspect every inch of the car and report all of its findings. The seed investment round with a capital of 2 million dollars was led by ffVC Tech & Gaming with the participation of FundingBox DeepTech Fund, POMERANGELS and Techstars. Michał Laska – serial entrepreneur from automotive industry has also joined Car Scanner, investing in a breakthrough technology and becoming a co-founder of the company.

Pandemic and chip shortages have caused the biggest digital transformation in the history of car sales. Online used car sales have grown 300% in the last quarter, but in the digital world, you cannot have a test drive. That’s why transparent used car documentation is essential for buyers: 68% of them say that the condition of the automobile is the second most important factor after price. Car Scanner technology delivers remarketing (360 exterior and interior view of a car) and inspection (scratch, dent, paint repair detection) value for car dealerships and auctions in just a few minutes.

Car Scanner company is perfectly positioned for the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to deploy a new standard for digital documentation of second-hand vehicles. Our robots are developed and manufactured by a team of almost 30 engineers in Cracow, Poland. The team is also growing now on the other side of the Atlantic Ocean to serve 40m+ used cars sold annually in the US market, comments Slawomir Potasz, CEO of Car Scanner.

The seed investment round with a capital of 2 million dollars was led by the ffVC Tech & Gaming fund with participation of FundingBox DeepTech Fund, POMERANGELS and Techstars will enable Car Scanner to further develop its technology and enter the North American automotive market. The company is an alum of  IMPACT Poland managed by FundingBox and Techstars that helped with product market fit testing. Car Scanner is already building its team in North America and existing investor – Dipalo Ventures helps the company start scalable production in the US market. Michal Laska will help the company shift gears in automotive sales thanks to his long-term industry expertise.

Car Scanner is a company that perfectly fits investment strategy of the ffVC Tech & Gaming fund. Our investment policy aims to fund companies that stand out in the market and have global potential aligned with the mega-trends such as digital transformation, comments Maciej Skarul, Partner at ffVC. We firmly believe that our vast network of contacts and strong penetration of US market will make us a valuable partner. The company has already established its operations in the US and is aggressively going after this market, ‘he adds.