Globalworth Foundation launch in Poland

Dimitris Raptis, Co-CEO & CIO Globalworth
Dimitris Raptis, Co-CEO & CIO Globalworth

The Globalworth Foundation begins its activity in Poland and allocates 200,000 EUR to help fund medical supplies and meals for the three hospitals – in Warsaw, Łódź and Chorzów.

“In these extremely difficult times we are proud to announce the launch of Globalworth Foundation in Poland and we are ready to help in the fight against the epidemic of COVID-19. As the first step, we chose two hospitals – Wojewódzki Specjalistyczny Szpital im. dr. Wł. Biegańskiego in Lodz and Szpital Specjalistyczny in Chorzow. The funds enable acquiring 21 beds for intensive care units, 5,000 surgical masks, 2,600 protective overalls and 7,500 protective masks (FFP2 and FFP3). We also decided, together with tenants of Hala Koszyki, to fund and deliver 3,000 meals for healthcare workers in Szpital Wolski in Warsaw for a month” – commented Dimitris Raptis, Co-CEO & CIO Globalworth.

The Globalworth Foundation is strongly involved in supporting the fight of epidemic in Romania as well. In March 2020 Globalworth Foundation donated 200,000 EUR to the Romanian Red Cross to help funding the medical supplies. The acquired supplies went to the “Prof. Matei Balș” National Institute, the biggest medical institution dealing with infectious disease in Romania, and the first line of defense in the COVID-19 emergency. Until now, Globalworth Foundation has allocated in both countries 550,000 EUR, to seven hospitals to help fight against COVID-19.

“At Globalworth we are convinced that we should act as quickly as possible during this emergency and try to reduce the impact of COVID-19 on our communities in Poland and Romania, as well as on the society in which we live. The Globalworth Foundation has done a lot of great things in Romania over the years and now we will be able to support the needs in Poland as well” – added Dimitris Raptis.

globalworth foundationThe Globalworth Foundation was founded in 2018 by Globalworth, the leading office investor and landlord in Central and Eastern Europe, and is a non-profit entity, independent of the group’s commercial activities. The Foundation’s mission is to develop projects on three main pillars: people, places and technology. Starting from the idea that the future of any society is represented by the younger generations, the foundation focuses on caring for people, which can be supported through education programs and projects that can improve their access to quality medical services, regardless of the social category to which they belong. Equally important are the initiatives that aim to develop projects for social mobility, greening, smart cities or the rehabilitation of spaces for the needs of our community. In addition, the Globalworth Foundation believes in the positive impact of technology-integrated projects, such as incubators for young people, and supports the funding of the innovations that bring people together.