Polish scientists have proven that individuals engaged in different forms of competition – sports or e-sports – possess distinct personality traits. It turns out that those more conscientious and extroverted are more likely to engage in traditional sports. However, it is not known why such differentiation exists.
I conducted the research with Michał Stefańczyk, Piotr Sorokowski from the University of Wrocław, and Grzegorz Żurek from the Wrocław University School of Physical Education,” says Dr. Maciej Behnke from the Faculty of Psychology and Cognitive Science at Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań to Newseria Innowacje agency. We were curious about how e-athletes differ from traditional athletes. More precisely, we wanted to understand why certain people choose e-sports as their main competitiveness-based activity, while others opt for traditional sports. Essentially, we were questioning whether there are distinct factors that differentiate these two groups. One of our hypotheses was that these could be simply different types of people, two groups with variation in personality dimensions, who choose different sports.
The researchers from Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, University of Wrocław, and Wrocław University School of Physical Education employed a questionnaire to examine the personality traits of e-sports players and athletes. Nearly 900 individuals representing both types of activities participated in the survey. The scientists aimed to identify differences between participants engaged in specific competitive practices. They considered personality traits such as extroversion, conscientiousness, neuroticism, agreeableness, and openness to new experiences.
The results of our research show that players differ mainly in terms of extroversion and conscientiousness. We did not notice any differences between these two groups in terms of agreeableness, openness to experience, or neuroticism. We observed that traditional athletes are more extroverted and more conscientious than e-athletes, says Dr. Maciej Behnke.
The researchers believe that differences in extroversion may stem from the fact e-sports do not require physical social interaction, unlike sports. The lower conscientiousness among e-gamers could be due to environmental conditions. E-sports, although rapidly developing, are still not as structured and organized as sports. Athletes train individually and do not have to adhere to any schedules set by clubs, as is the case with athletes.
This was a correlational study, so it is difficult to talk about causes or effects here. Some might interpret that a certain type of activity, such as traditional sports, makes people more conscientious and more extroverted. I would like to see studies that randomly assign individuals to a certain type of activity, follow them over many years, and check whether a given physical activity causes people to actually change their personality. However, we cannot confirm this with our study, says the UAM researcher.
The study conducted by the Poznań and Wrocław universities is intended to be the starting point for further scientific discussions on the differences in personality traits of athletes and e-athletes. It would be necessary to consider the specificity of individual disciplines, certain types of e-sports and specific games, the country, the level of competition, and professionalism.
E-sports is an area that is still insufficiently researched but actively developing, and many stereotypes have grown around it. The previous opposition to e-sport mainly focused on aspects such as the internet nature of social interaction and lack of physical activity. However, statistics show that e-sport players engage in exercise at a higher level than recommended by the WHO. Physical activity prepares them for long gaming sessions in a seated position.
One of the conclusions we can draw from our study is that probably we should not compare e-sport and traditional sports as opposite types of activity, but rather see it as a conduit through which two different groups of people can realize their athletic goals and enjoy competitiveness, says Dr. Maciej Behnke. E-sport should stop being perceived negatively. It is simply a beautiful activity, where people find their passion, joy, and build friendships, just like in other forms of sports. I would compare this to the metaphor of a wave; the wave of e-sport, competition through various technologies is upon us, and instead of resisting it, we should understand it and learn to ride it. There is no other future than understanding gamers, their competition, and giving them the respect they deserve. They are tired of research on computer addiction and pathologies found in games.
According to data from Demand Sage, social awareness of e-sport is growing. In 2015, only 800,000 people were aware of this kind of competition. Today, over 2 billion people worldwide know what e-sport is. Currently, there are 7.6 million active streamers on Twitch, a platform used for broadcasting and competition. Over 60% of e-sport fans are aged 16 to 35. The e-sport market is valued at $1.4 billion and is expected to reach nearly $5.5 billion by 2029.