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Tag: Big Data


Polish Businesses Hope for a More Business-Friendly Government

Unblocking funds from the KPO, restoring social dialogue and maintaining stability in regulatory changes, reverting to the previous method of calculating health contributions - this is just the start of the expectations of business...

Housing prices are skyrocketing. Krakow is catching up with Warsaw

The increasing demand in the real estate market has its dark side – a cascading increase in apartment prices. Warsaw remains a leader in this regard, but the price per square meter is increasing...

Apartment prices rose again. Further records were set in September

In September 2023, the average price per square meter of new apartments in Krakow crossed the threshold of 15,000 PLN, and in Warsaw, which did not ease up in the race for the title...
Tomasz Buras, Managing Director and Head of Investment at Savills in Poland

Property Market has adjusted to the new reality and regains momentum

Real estate advisory firm Savills presents a preliminary summary of 2021 and predicts trends for the coming months. The commercial real estate market in Poland is regaining momentum but has changed significantly, reveals Savills....
Roger Mroczek, Investment Sales & Capital Markets Director, AXI IMMO

Data centres – a new sector of commercial real estate with a high growth...

Data centres are becoming an important segment of commercial real estate and the Covid-19 pandemic turned out to be an impulse for its accelerated growth. There are currently 115 data centres in Poland, of...
Jowita Michalska CEO

Digitalization in business – interview with Jowita Michalska

Interview with Jowita Michalska, whose mission is to equip Poles with the necessary digital competences. That is why she established the Digital University foundation, which, in cooperation with leading American universities, such as MIT,...
Agnieszka Winkler, Associate Director, Retail Advisory Services, Colliers International

Behavioral analysis as a basis for effective shopping mall strategy

Nowadays it is no longer enough to know who forms our client base - creating profiles based solely on the needs, expectations or values held by the consumers is no longer enough to remain...

Polish companies becoming increasingly aware of cyber threats associated with AI

Artificial intelligence (AI) can be used both for cyberattacks and for defending against them. According to a study by EY - "How Polish Companies...
Anna Głowacz, Head of Industrial Agency, AXI IMMO

Poland’s Industrial Market in 2023 – slower, but not weaker

After the very successful years of 2021 and 2022, known as the golden period of development of the industrial market in Poland, 2023 was...
Anna Głowacz, Head of Industrial Agency, AXI IMMO

Polish industrial market 2023 overview and outlook for 2024

Poland's industrial sector slowed in 2023, but the market hopes to rebound in 2024. After the peak of take-up and supply in the so-called...


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XTB siedziba

XTB shatters records in 2023 with a PLN 791.3 million profit...

312,000 new customers acquired in 2023, over 77,000 in Q4 alone A 51.0% increase in the number of active customers to 408,500 Q4...
Ben Laidler, eToro’s Global Market Strategist

The strange anatomy of global debt

DEBT: Global debt trends matter and the current levels are eye-poppingly high. However there are big differences across the segments of governments, companies, or...