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Employees claim they don’t have time for automation

Only 18% of IT leaders of large European companies claim that their company is fully embracing IT automation–according to a report commissioned by Red Hat. However, as many as 75% of those surveyed do...

Crisis Concerns Among Polish Companies and Institutions Remain High as Online Challenges Top Threat...

For yet another year, a high level of crisis concerns among managers, directors of communication, and spokespersons of key Polish companies and institutions continues. The Crisisometer, an index prepared based on their opinions and...

New biotechnologies for agriculture and gardeners have been developed at UW

Scientists from the UW Department of Biology plan to provide farmers, plant breeders and the horticultural industry with new solutions. These are biopreparations based on compositions of bacterial and fungal strains and their metabolites....

Almost one third of European financial directors are testing solutions related to generative AI

Despite the growing popularity of generative artificial intelligence, it turns out it is not widely used among CFOs. Currently, 12 percent of European companies plan to implement AI solutions, and almost one third are...
2024 Workforce Challenges

2024 Workforce Challenges: How IT Outstaffing Can Help You Succeed

In today's business landscape, technology isn't just a tool; it's the game-changer defining success. From streamlining internal operations to driving business products, technology's role across industries is pivotal. But what do technologies signify without...
Artificial intelligence google deepmind

Artificial intelligence enhances the early detection of rare diseases, with its accuracy potentially reaching...

Even with 90% accuracy, artificial intelligence models can detect genetic changes that may lead to rare diseases. This is crucial because genetic screening and AI analysis could contribute to the detection of these diseases...
Warsaw Spire

Overtime: A Real Problem in the Polish Labor Market

The research clearly shows: overtime is a real problem in the labor market. It affects the vast majority of specialists and managers - regardless of gender, age, or profession. It has a negative impact...

Moderate optimism from fans ahead of Probierz’s debut

Less than half of the Polish population believe in a victory for the "Red and Whites", and a majority of Polish fans predict a narrow win by one or two goals against the Faroe...

Outsourcing on the Rise as Businesses Seek to Adapt to Changing Tax Landscape

The globalization of regulations, frequent changes in the law, and the growing digitalization of settlements are prompting businesses to reorganize their tax functions and teams. It's becoming imperative for companies to hire external experts,...
Nicola Downing, CEO of Ricoh Europe

Employees Ahead of Managers: AI Adoption Without Training and Guidelines

Employees Ahead of Their Managers: 48% of respondents use artificial intelligence, with 18% using it daily. However, only 16% have received training in this domain. A mere 18% of organizations have put risk management...

Labor Market in the Face of Economic Challenges

The results of the fourth edition of the global EY – Work Reimagined Survey – indicate that both employees and employers are now solely focusing on aspects related to economic difficulties, ignoring pandemic-related issues....

Finance and Real Estate Industry in Poland: What awaits employees and employers?

The finance and real estate industry is constantly evolving, facing challenges related to advancing technology, cybersecurity, service availability, customer service, and ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) commitments. All these factors significantly impact the job...

Digi Index 2023: Polish Manufacturing Companies Digitizing Despite Economic Challenges

Last year, there was a significant acceleration of digitization in Polish manufacturing companies. However, the current challenging economic environment is hampering firms' plans and ambitions in this area. The "Digi Index 2023" report prepared...

Polish companies: competitive and growing, but facing a labor shortage

Domestic companies are becoming increasingly competitive on the global market, thanks in part to their family-oriented nature, and the commitment and high competence of their employees. "We are simply good and hardworking, and in...

Every third company implementing AI encounters legal troubles

Every third globally-based company implementing Artificial Intelligence (AI) solutions has encountered legal troubles, resulting in penalties or being subjected to regulatory investigations, according to a report by international law firm DLA Piper. The major...

KSeF, e-Paragony and Omnicommerce – What Retail Is Investing In

As many as 70% of companies in the retail industry declare that their IT development expenditures in the coming year will not decrease. In this respect, 80% of the surveyed utilise their own IT...
Sabowicz Marcin

European gaming primed for revenue growth of 8% per annum over next five years

According to Savills latest research, the European gaming sector is primed for revenue growth of 8% per annum over the next five years, driven by rising user growth, digital adoption, corporate investment and a...
Rymarz Zdort oraz Maruta Wachta

Merger of two leaders of the Polish legal market. Rymarz Zdort and Maruta Wachta...

The largest merger on the Polish legal services market in recent years is here. Rymarz Zdort and Maruta Wachta are to operate as one law firm under the name Rymarz Zdort Maruta. The unprecedented...
Dudek Karolina, Colliers

Hybrid work in the new reality

While prior to the pandemic, as many as 76 percent of organisations employed people to work exclusively in the office, only 24 percent of organisations surveyed by Colliers say they will adopt the same hiring strategy...
Benchmarking study – why you need it and how to prepare it for transfer pricing purposes

Benchmarking study – why you need it and how to prepare it for transfer...

The benchmarking study is a verification tool to argue that the transactions with the affiliated parties took place at a similar price compared with the open market. The argumentation and substantiation of the prices...

Polish companies becoming increasingly aware of cyber threats associated with AI

Artificial intelligence (AI) can be used both for cyberattacks and for defending against them. According to a study by EY - "How Polish Companies...
Anna Głowacz, Head of Industrial Agency, AXI IMMO

Poland’s Industrial Market in 2023 – slower, but not weaker

After the very successful years of 2021 and 2022, known as the golden period of development of the industrial market in Poland, 2023 was...
Anna Głowacz, Head of Industrial Agency, AXI IMMO

Polish industrial market 2023 overview and outlook for 2024

Poland's industrial sector slowed in 2023, but the market hopes to rebound in 2024. After the peak of take-up and supply in the so-called...


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XTB siedziba

XTB shatters records in 2023 with a PLN 791.3 million profit...

312,000 new customers acquired in 2023, over 77,000 in Q4 alone A 51.0% increase in the number of active customers to 408,500 Q4...
Ben Laidler, eToro’s Global Market Strategist

The strange anatomy of global debt

DEBT: Global debt trends matter and the current levels are eye-poppingly high. However there are big differences across the segments of governments, companies, or...