Expansion of the A4 motorway connecting Kraków and Katowice approved


The Minister of Infrastructure, Andrzej Adamczyk, has officially approved the expansion program for a key section of the A4 motorway connecting Kraków and Katowice. This greenlights the commencement of preparatory works on this 60-kilometer section.

The management history of this A4 segment is interesting. Since 1997, it has been managed by the Stalexport Motorway Małopolska company based on a concession agreement. However, the concession ends in 2027, prompting the government to take action. “The concession for this road expires in 2027 and we want to be well-prepared for that moment. Today’s decision means that in a few years we will be able to start work on site,” said Minister Adamczyk.

The projected increase in traffic intensity, which is expected to reach as many as 70,000 vehicles per day in the near future, necessitates the expansion of this communication artery. Plans include the construction of a 3rd and 4th lane, the reconstruction of junctions, engineering structures, and the construction or expansion of Rest Areas (MOP). In addition, the toll collection infrastructure will be eliminated.

The approval of investment programs will also enable the start of the development of necessary documentation, implementation of environmental studies, and archeological research.

The planned activities are as follows:

– For the A4 section Murckowska junction – Byczyna junction: Work on this 25.2 km section is scheduled for 2024 to 2028. Plans include the construction of a 3rd or 4th lane, the reconstruction or expansion of 4 road junctions and 36 engineering structures. There is also planned construction of a MOP at Giszowiec/Janów.

– For the A4 section Byczyna junction – Balice I junction: The expansion on this 34.5 km section will cover 3 or 4 motorway lanes. Preparatory works are planned for 2024-2029 and will involve developing documentation for the reconstruction of 3 road junctions and expansion of the MOP.