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Home Tags Polish Investment and Trade Agency

Tag: Polish Investment and Trade Agency


Propav Infrastructures and KUKE signed a cooperation agreement

The Polish export support agency KUKE and Propav Infraestructuras, an international company specializing in infrastructure development in African and South American markets, have signed a cooperation agreement that will enable Polish exporters to integrate...
Katarzyna Pyś-Fabiańczyk, Head of Industrial Services Hub, Savills

Growth of semiconductor production across EU set to generate 10.8m sq m of warehouse...

According to Savills latest Spotlight, Semiconductors and the Logistics Sector, Europe’s share of semiconductor production will need to more than double to reach the EU Chips Act’s target of 20% of global output by...
Will BPO SSC companies move their business to Poland

Will BPO/SSC companies move their business to Poland?

Regional urban centers in our country are returning onto the path to growth. It is shown in the data on business development recorded in the first half of this year, and future investments of...
Tomasz Buras, Managing Director and Head of Investment at Savills in Poland

The activity of South Korean investors is increasing

According to Savills latest research, South Korean investors have spent €6.2bn on European property in H1 2019, the highest figure on record. The activity of South Korean investors is also increasing in Poland. Record volume...
Kraków fot. Walter Herz.

Demand for Cracow’s offices is higher than supply

Cracow is the most absorptive regional office market in Poland. It is also the undisputed national leader in the business services sector. The recent development of the industry in the capital of Małopolska region...
Michał Sikora, Land, Technical and Special Economic Zone Consultant, Industrial and Logistics Agency, Cushman & Wakefield

New rules governing Special Economic Zones in Poland

New rules governing special economic zones and state aid procedures in Poland are on the horizon On 20 February 2018, the Polish Council of Ministers adopted a bill amending rules that govern business operations benefiting...
windmills Poland

Polish windmills have come through the worst year ever

A year has passed since the so-called distance law came into force and halted the development of the wind energy sector in Poland in an unprecedented manner, which is based on quiet, modern and...

Poland your place to invest 2017

In cooperation with eight Polish cities, and with the support of real estate agencies, Warsaw has prepared a report for prospective investors. “Poland your place to invest 2017” is an English-language publication drawn up...

Polish companies becoming increasingly aware of cyber threats associated with AI

Artificial intelligence (AI) can be used both for cyberattacks and for defending against them. According to a study by EY - "How Polish Companies...
Anna Głowacz, Head of Industrial Agency, AXI IMMO

Poland’s Industrial Market in 2023 – slower, but not weaker

After the very successful years of 2021 and 2022, known as the golden period of development of the industrial market in Poland, 2023 was...
Anna Głowacz, Head of Industrial Agency, AXI IMMO

Polish industrial market 2023 overview and outlook for 2024

Poland's industrial sector slowed in 2023, but the market hopes to rebound in 2024. After the peak of take-up and supply in the so-called...


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XTB siedziba

XTB shatters records in 2023 with a PLN 791.3 million profit...

312,000 new customers acquired in 2023, over 77,000 in Q4 alone A 51.0% increase in the number of active customers to 408,500 Q4...
Ben Laidler, eToro’s Global Market Strategist

The strange anatomy of global debt

DEBT: Global debt trends matter and the current levels are eye-poppingly high. However there are big differences across the segments of governments, companies, or...