21.1 C
Monday, June 17, 2024

Polish hotel market to grow by 7 thousand rooms this year

This year, hotel resources in the country will increase by over 7 thousand rooms. Many facilities are to open in tourist destinations, and the...

New biotechnologies for agriculture and gardeners have been developed at UW

Scientists from the UW Department of Biology plan to provide farmers, plant breeders and the horticultural industry with new solutions. These are biopreparations based...
Szymon Dziak-Czekan

Russian Plastic Flooding Polish Market, Threatening Domestic Recycling Industry

The recycling industry in Poland is currently on the brink of bankruptcy. Over 70% of recyclers had to reduce their processing capacities this year,...

Poland’s energy sector: Balancing climate goals and energy security

In the energy sector, there is an essential need to implement a costly investment program that will allow for achieving ambitious climate and energy...

Pierogi: A Dish from Poland with Global Appeal

On October 8, we observe International Pierogi Day, a celebration of a dish primarily associated with Poland but found on tables around the world....
Joanna Sinkiewicz, Partner, Head of Industrial and Logistics Agency, Cushman & Wakefield Poland

China Regains Top Position as World’s Most Attractive Location for Manufacturing

EMEA accounts for 5 of the top 10 global manufacturing locations in Cushman & Wakefield’s ranking – and 8 of the top 10...

Toyota Remains Leader of the Polish Passenger Car Market with 19.2% Share

From the beginning of the year, already 67,118 Toyota passenger cars have been registered in Poland The brand holds 19.2% of the Polish...

PGE Plans to Expand the Peak-Pumping Power Plant in Żarnowiec. The 40-year-old Facility will...

The Żarnowiec peak pump power plant in Pomerania, with a power output of over 700 MW, was launched exactly 40 years ago and remains...
Bartłomiej Zagrodnik, Managing Partner at Walter Herz

Hotel segment gained the most on the investment transaction market

In 2019, the value of transactions in the commercial real estate sector in Poland once again reached record levels. The hotel segment has a...
moscow russia

World Cup tourists help to boost Russian hotel market

The operating performance of hotels in Moscow and St Petersburg has grown for the third consecutive year as a result of the increased tourist...
Panorama Warszawa

Hotels increase their accommodation base

The growing interest in domestic tourism is conducive to the development of accommodation facilities in resorts. Interesting city hotels are also opening. The current...

Poland advances in the ranking of digitization of public services

In Poland, 84% of all government services are now available online, which exactly matches the European average. In an annual report assessing over 15,000...

Climate change poses a threat to agriculture and food security. For some groups, food...

Increasingly rare and abundant rainfall as well as extreme weather events pose a threat to crops and agricultural infrastructure. This requires farmers to apply...

Generative AI in Industry: The Game-Changer for Production Efficiency and Knowledge Management

By applying solutions based on generative artificial intelligence, industrial companies can automate over one-third of their working hours, thereby radically increasing their efficiency, according...

Women the key to the future of the automotive sector?

Low visibility of women leaders (38.4%), gender stereotypes (38.1%), difficulties in maintaining work-life balance (35.1%), and unequal wages (34.4%) are hampering women's career development...
Andrzej Dulka

Poland Needs to Bridge Competency Gap to Stay Competitive in Digital Economy

Cybersecurity competencies are currently the most sought-after technological skills, especially in the Central and Eastern Europe region, and the competency gap in this area...
Nicola Downing, CEO of Ricoh Europe

Employees Ahead of Managers: AI Adoption Without Training and Guidelines

Employees Ahead of Their Managers: 48% of respondents use artificial intelligence, with 18% using it daily. However, only 16% have received training in this...

KSeF in the TSL industry: Dead creation or revolution?

After many years of preparation, the National e-Invoice System (KseF) will finally become widespread, and the first group of companies will be obliged to...
Code-collar workers

AI Revolution: Polish Employers Unprepared

Nearly one in four individuals representing companies operating in Poland believes that, with the implementation of artificial intelligence-based solutions, employee salaries will decrease. 60%...
windmills Poland

Polish windmills have come through the worst year ever

A year has passed since the so-called distance law came into force and halted the development of the wind energy sector in Poland in...

Polish companies becoming increasingly aware of cyber threats associated with AI

Artificial intelligence (AI) can be used both for cyberattacks and for defending against them. According to a study by EY - "How Polish Companies...
Anna Głowacz, Head of Industrial Agency, AXI IMMO

Polish industrial market 2023 overview and outlook for 2024

Poland's industrial sector slowed in 2023, but the market hopes to rebound in 2024. After the peak of take-up and supply in the so-called...
Janusz Gutowski, Managing Partner, AXI IMMO Services

Data center market: No energy, no data

The Warsaw region is currently the largest data centre market in Poland. The capital is home to more than 50 server facilities and a...