Investor Activity On GPW Group Markets – January 2017

Warsaw Stock Exchange (GPW)
  • Increase of the value of trade in equities on the Electronic Order Book[1] on the Main Market by 48.7% YoY and increase of the total value of trade in equities by 52.1% YoY
  • Increase of the volume of trade in derivatives by 0.1% YoY, with the biggest increase in the volume of trade in single-stock futures (+107.2% YoY) and interest rate futures (+201.6% YoY)
  • Increase of the value of trade in non-Treasury bonds on the Electronic Order Book on Catalyst by 34.2% YoY – Increase of the total volume of transactions in gas by 41.1% YoY

The total value of trade in equities on the Main Market was PLN 21.8 billion in January 2017, representing an increase of 52.1% year on year. The value of trade in equities on the Electronic Order Book increased by 48.7% year on year to PLN 20.8 billion and the average daily value of trade in equities on the Electronic Order Book stood at PLN 990.7 million in January 2017. The WIG index stood at 55,232.32 points at the end of January 2017, representing an increase of 24.7% year on year.

The value of trade in equities on the Electronic Order Book on NewConnect increased by 20.0% year on year. The total value of trade in equities on the alternative market was PLN 133.1 million in January 2017 and the value of trade in equities on the Electronic Order Book was PLN 121.8 million.

The total volume of trade in derivatives was 604.9 thousand contracts in January 2017, representing an increase of 0.1% year on year. The volume of trade in index futures was 307.0 thousand contracts in January 2017, representing a decrease of 22.0% year on year. The volume of trade in currency futures also decreased by 4.4% year in year in January 2017. However, the volume of trade in other futures increased significantly. The volume of trade in single-stock futures increased by 107.2% year on year (169.0 thousand contracts in January 2017) and the volume of trade in interest rate futures increased by 201.6% year on year to 1.9 thousand contracts.

The value of non-Treasury bond issues listed on Catalyst was PLN 81.7 billion at the end of January 2017, representing an increase of 16.8% year on year. The value of trade in non-Treasury bonds on the Electronic Order Book on Catalyst increased by 34.2% year on year to PLN 218.8 million.

The total value of trade in bonds on TBSP was PLN 44.2 billion in January 2017, representing an increase of 26.2% year on year.

The total volume of transactions in gas was 13.2 TWh in January 2017, representing an increase of 41.1% year on year; the biggest increase was reported on the forward market, where the volume of trade stood at 8.7 TWh (+54.1% YoY). The total volume of spot and forward transactions in electricity was 7.5 TWh in January 2017, representing a decrease of 35.9% year on year.

The volume of spot and forward transactions in property rights to certificates of origin net of the rights to certificates of energy efficiency (“white certificates”)[2] was 3.3 TWh in January 2017, representing a decrease of 11.4% year on year. The volume of trade in property rights to certificates of origin of energy efficiency (“white certificates”) was 15.3 ktoe[3] in January 2017.

The capitalisation of 434 domestic companies listed on the Main Market was PLN 592.5 billion at the end of January 2017. The total capitalisation of 487 domestic and foreign companies listed on the GPW Main Market was PLN 1,167.4 billion at the end of January 2017.

The company Setanta was newly listed on the Main Market and two companies, Money Makers TFI and Kofama Koźle, were newly listed on NewConnect in January 2017. GPW held 21 trading sessions in January 2017, two more than in January 2016.

1 Trading in the session, net of block trades
2 Certificates of origin of energy efficiency (“white certificates”) are issued, traded, and cleared in different metric units than other certificates on PolPX (toe – tonne of oil equivalent; amount of energy equivalent to one metric tonne of crude oil with a calorific value of 10,000 kcal/kg).
3 ktoe = 1,000 toe, Mtoe = 1,000,000 toe.