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XTB siedziba

XTB shatters records in 2023 with a PLN 791.3 million profit and over 300,000...

312,000 new customers acquired in 2023, over 77,000 in Q4 alone A 51.0% increase in the number of active customers to 408,500 Q4 customer trading volume in CFD instruments increased by 4.0% year-on-year...

Polish office market – summary of 2023 and outlook for 2024

Following - supply gap, stable quarterly take-up, remote working in the Labor Code, prop-tech, ESG, and demolition - Poland's largest advisory firm, AXI IMMO, presents six key trends on the Polish office market with...
Karol Grejbus, Associate Director, Office Agency Tenant Representation at Savills

Increase in office occupancy rate in Warsaw steadily rises, reaching 55%

Average office occupancy rates across eight major European markets have risen in the last six months from 55% to 57%, says Savills, however on Tuesdays and Wednesdays the average is 64% and 62% respectively,...

Vienna Again Tops Mercer’s Quality of Living Ranking, Seven Out of Ten Top Cities...

Seven out of ten of the best cities listed in the ranking are located in Western Europe, including three in Germany. Mercer, a global leader in human resource management consulting services and a member of...

Krakow cements its position on the office market with new office projects and stable...

According to the latest report from Newmark Polska, Krakow’s total office stock will surpass 1.8 million sqm in 2023, posting an annual growth of 5.5%. Occupier demand remains strong despite global economic headwinds. Krakow...

Significant Labor Market Changes Expected in 2024: From Wage Increases to Immigration Reform

According to the predictions of the parties forming the new government, significant changes await Polish workers in 2024. The vision of labor market reform, outlined in the coalition agreement, focuses on striving for gender...
Piotr Kuczyński, Member of the Polish Economists Association, DI Xelion

Investment Risks Ignored, Investors Facing 2024 Correction

All indications point towards the year-end being typically profitable for bulls in the stock market. November was the best month in many years for global stock markets. December is still looking good in Warsaw,...

Pre-holiday shopping in shopping centers. What makes consumers feel comfortable?

As the peak shopping season begins, the company Cushman & Wakefield has investigated the emotions experienced by consumers during shopping. In recent years, discussions about attracting customers in retail have revolved around the term "UX"...
superkomputer google

Google Unveils Groundbreaking Gemini AI Model: A Multimodal Breakthrough

Google has announced the launch of Gemini, their most advanced and diverse AI system to date. The Gemini model is multimodal, meaning it can generalize and easily comprehend, utilize, and integrate various types of...
2024 Workforce Challenges

2024 Workforce Challenges: How IT Outstaffing Can Help You Succeed

In today's business landscape, technology isn't just a tool; it's the game-changer defining success. From streamlining internal operations to driving business products, technology's role across industries is pivotal. But what do technologies signify without...
Wojciech Glazewski. Country Manager Poland at Check Point Software Technologies

Hacktivism: The Alarming Rise of Cyber Activism

Hacktivism, defined as the actions of criminal groups in cyberspace aimed at promoting socio-political agendas or spreading misinformation, has become an increasingly worrying phenomenon worldwide. In its most benign form, it can manifest as...

Inclusivity as a way to solve multi-generational challenges in companies

Generational differences in businesses are one of the biggest challenges today. HR professionals address anticipating and reconciling the diverse expectations of employees from different age groups. Older employees are the guarantee of knowledge and invaluable...

Will the elections in Poland be democratic?

Democratic elections, in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Poland, should be equal and universal. There are currently many doubts about these aspects. Most often, displacement - meaning the tilt of the...

The Virtual Pedagogical University Launches

"The educational system which focuses on knowledge transmission instead of skill development, and the need for continuous skill enhancement for teachers are the challenges faced by education today," indicates Prof. Roman Leppert, a pedagogue...

Mennica Skarbowa launches a new e-commerce store

The Mint of Poland is launching a new, more functional online store. The revamped graphic appearance, improved structure and easier access will help customers acquire information about gold and silver, and enable smoother transactions....

There is no turning back from sustainable development. Over 90% of companies expect this...

Sustainable development is no longer considered a mere addition or a nice-sounding slogan but a “must-have” across virtually every industry. Over half of manufacturing company representatives declare that initiatives in this area are a...

Polish children are gaining weight the fastest in Europe. The cause is improper diet...

According to the Polish Society for Obesity Treatment, in Poland, overweight or obesity occurs in 12% of preschool boys and 10% of preschool girls, as well as in 18.5% of school-age boys and 14.3%...

Vocational schools growing in popularity. Almost 60 percent of primary school graduates choose them

After years of neglect and underfunding, vocational education is beginning to enjoy increasing popularity in Poland. According to MEiN, currently 58.5% of young people after primary school choose vocational and technical education. This is...

Supermarkets at War with Discount Stores. Price Rollercoaster Gaining Momentum in Stores.

Prices in stores are not increasing everywhere at the same rate. Interestingly, the slowest rise is happening in hypermarkets, where the year-on-year average increase is already in single digits. Other formats are becoming more...
Katarzyna Pyś-Fabiańczyk, Head of Industrial Services Hub, Savills

Growth of semiconductor production across EU set to generate 10.8m sq m of warehouse...

According to Savills latest Spotlight, Semiconductors and the Logistics Sector, Europe’s share of semiconductor production will need to more than double to reach the EU Chips Act’s target of 20% of global output by...

Polish companies becoming increasingly aware of cyber threats associated with AI

Artificial intelligence (AI) can be used both for cyberattacks and for defending against them. According to a study by EY - "How Polish Companies...
Anna Głowacz, Head of Industrial Agency, AXI IMMO

Poland’s Industrial Market in 2023 – slower, but not weaker

After the very successful years of 2021 and 2022, known as the golden period of development of the industrial market in Poland, 2023 was...
Anna Głowacz, Head of Industrial Agency, AXI IMMO

Polish industrial market 2023 overview and outlook for 2024

Poland's industrial sector slowed in 2023, but the market hopes to rebound in 2024. After the peak of take-up and supply in the so-called...


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XTB siedziba

XTB shatters records in 2023 with a PLN 791.3 million profit...

312,000 new customers acquired in 2023, over 77,000 in Q4 alone A 51.0% increase in the number of active customers to 408,500 Q4...
Ben Laidler, eToro’s Global Market Strategist

The strange anatomy of global debt

DEBT: Global debt trends matter and the current levels are eye-poppingly high. However there are big differences across the segments of governments, companies, or...