23.1 C
Wednesday, June 26, 2024
Warsaw, Poland

Poland in the Human Freedom Index

In the latest edition of the Human Freedom Index 2018, which covers the first year of the rule of the Law and Justice party,...
united states president usa

Covid-19 Has a Strong Emotional Impact on the U.S. Presidential Election

According to study, conducted by NayaDaya, YouGov, and Statista, emotions toward the federal government’s Covid-19 response strongly correlate with the U.S. voters’ positive or...
joe biden

Heart of Biden’s Mission – Empathy

Anger and hate may be the most visible but not the most challenging emotions the U.S. President-elect Joe Biden is facing among Trump’s voters,...
koronawirus (8)

Responsibility, Action and Solidarity is urgently required to protect businesses, society and our economy

European society is facing an extraordinary challenge from the outbreak of COVID19. Our sympathies are with the families of those who have already lost...

President Andrzej Duda Appoints Donald Tusk’s Government

President Andrzej Duda appointed the Council of Ministers, selected by the Sejm, with Prime Minister Donald Tusk and received their oaths of office. Speaker...

Will NATO defend Poland?

In Poland today, many people are asking themselves - considering various experiences from the past - whether the current alliances, the operations within NATO...

War in Ukraine disrupted the development of economy and tourism in Podkarpackie. The Carpathian...

The war in Ukraine has heavily influenced business and tourism in Podkarpacie. "Enterprises near the border are feeling some unease and there is no...

Who will benefit from elections in Slovakia? Pro-Russian party returns to power

The social democratic party SMER, a left-wing party focused on government support, has again won the majority of votes in the recent elections. This...
Ben Laidler, Global Markets Strategist at eToro

China’s Communist Party Congress comes at key time for the nation

The upcoming Communist Party Congress, which takes place every five years, starts on October 16. The twentieth such congress is set to give President...

Over 70% in EU support economic sanctions on Russia

Over 70% of people surveyed in the EU agree with the imposition of economic sanctions on Russia, with two-thirds feeling that more stringent sanctions...

Poland reinstates border controls with Slovakia due to increased migrant movement

On Tuesday afternoon, Polish authorities officially announced the reinstatement of border controls with the Slovak Republic. This decision is in response to the increased...
Rajmund Andrzejczak

Top Polish Military Officials Step Down

In a turn of unexpected events and just ahead of crucial national elections, two of the most senior commanders of the Polish army –...
Ben Laidler, Global Markets Strategist at eToro

US midterms bounce could be supercharged this year

The US midterm elections are due in four months, when US voters will go to the polls to elect the entire 435-seat House of...
dr Sławomir Dudek

Unlocking funds from the National Recovery Plan: A critical task for the new Polish...

Unlocking funds from the National Recovery Plan will be one of the most critical tasks for the new government. There is very little time...
Ben Laidler, Global Markets Strategist at eToro

Brazil readies to go back to the future

ELECTION: Brazil’s presidential and congressional election campaign started last week. Leftist ex-President Lula is favorite to regain power in an October 30th run off, but...

Changes to EU treaties will be the biggest constitutional reform in the history of...

Changes in two key European Union treaties are a topic that has been stirring controversy in Poland for months, not only among politicians. The...

The European Blue Deal (Blue Order) is a chance for Poland

The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) continues working under the slogan "Call for Blue Deal". The Blue Deal is intended to be the...

Polish Entrepreneurs Seek Return to Partnership Cooperation with Government

Allowing taxpayers to make agreements with the tax office, binding deadlines for officials in the Code of Administrative Procedure, a separate government department for...

British Scientists Find Europeans More Likely to Help Ukrainian Refugees Due to Cultural Similarities

British scientists have investigated how people in the UK and Malta perceive asylum seekers from Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. They analyzed the...

Young Poles: More Conservative, Yet Most Trusting of Democratic Institutions

Young Poles, both women and men, tend to be more conservative than their counterparts from other European countries, but at the same time, they...

Polish companies becoming increasingly aware of cyber threats associated with AI

Artificial intelligence (AI) can be used both for cyberattacks and for defending against them. According to a study by EY - "How Polish Companies...
Anna Głowacz, Head of Industrial Agency, AXI IMMO

Polish industrial market 2023 overview and outlook for 2024

Poland's industrial sector slowed in 2023, but the market hopes to rebound in 2024. After the peak of take-up and supply in the so-called...
Bartłomiej Zagrodnik Managing Partner CEO w Walter Herz

Will cheaper money in the eurozone stimulate the transaction market?

Polish real estate market is witnessing the first major investment transactions. The second half of the year will show whether a potential further interest...