Polskie firmy zdominowały nowy ranking TOP 500 CEE

Polska okazała się bezkonkurencyjna w nowym rankingu Coface TOP 500 CEE, który wyznacza pięćset największych przedsiębiorstw w Europie Środkowej i Wschodniej. Zdeklasowaliśmy pozostałe kraje nie tylko pod względem liczby firm ujętych w rankingu, lecz także pod względem wygenerowanych przez nie obrotów. Aż 175 polskich firm, które znalazły się na liście TOP 500 CEE miało razem 275 miliardów euro w obrotach za rok 2018. To ponad 30% wszystkich obrotów wygenerowanych przez 500 firm ogłoszonych na liście rankingowej. To optymistyczny obraz dla polskiego biznesu. Jednak z danych przedstawionych w rankingu można wyciągnąć również niepokojące wnioski. Jednym z nich jest spadek zysków – nieproporcjonalny do wzrostu obrotów polskich firm.

– Mimo dobrej sytuacji makroekonomicznej, biznes boryka się z wieloma trudnościami. Rosnące koszty wynagrodzeń, dosyć duże niedobory na rynku pracy oraz wyższe koszty produktów i komponentów używanych do produkcji przyczyniają się do tego, że firmy są w stanie generować większe obroty – natomiast nie przekłada się to na wzrost zysków – powiedział serwisowi eNewsroom Grzegorz Sielewicz, główny ekonomista Coface. – Ranking największych przedsiębiorstw w Europie Środkowej i Wschodniej pokazuje również kłopoty branży motoryzacyjnej. Sektor ten został zdetronizowany z pozycji lidera, jaką piastował w zeszłorocznym rankingu. Mamy do czynienia ze spowolnieniem popytu na samochody, a także z rosnącymi problemami sektora – chociażby z koniecznością dostosowania się do nowych norm emisji spalin. Ten trend będzie się pogłębiał i poskutkuje najpewniej tym, że w kolejnym rankingu jeszcze mniej firm motoryzacyjnych znajdzie się w finalnej pięćsetce – ocenia Sielewicz.

XIV ranking największych firm Europy Środkowo-Wschodniej TOP 500 CEE 2019

Kraj Nazwa firmy Branża Obrót 2018 w MLN EUR Zmiana w obrocie Zysk netto w 2018 w MLN EUR Zmiana w zysku
1 PL POLSKI KONCERN NAFTOWY ORLEN S.A.* Manufacture of refined petroleum products 25 506 15,0% 1 302,9 -21,9%
2 CZ ŠKODA AUTO A.S. Manufacture of motor vehicles 16 198 2,3% 1 017,8 -17,8%
3 HU MOL MAGYAR OLAJ- ÉS GÁZIPARI NYRT.* Manufacture of refined petroleum products 16 102 25,1% 952,3 -3,4%
4 PL JERONIMO MARTINS POLSKA S.A. Other retail sale in non-specialised stores 11 866 6,0% 462,8 15,6%
5 SK VOLKSWAGEN SLOVAKIA, A.S. Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers 10 380 37,5% 191,9 -52,5%
6 PL POLSKIE GÓRNICTWO NAFTOWE I GAZOWNICTWO S.A.* Trade of gas through mains 9 586 15,0% 746,1 9,9%
7 HU AUDI HUNGARIA ZRT. Manufacture of motor vehicles 7 376 1,1% 425,2 20,6%
8 PL GRUPA LOTOS S.A.* Manufacture of refined petroleum products 7 003 24,5% 369,1 -5,0%
9 PL PGE POLSKA GRUPA ENERGETYCZNA S.A.* Electric power generation, transmission and distribution 6 032 12,3% 351,3 -43,3%
10 CZ ALPIQ ENERGY SE Trade of electricity 5 488 1,4% -19,5 -617,2%
11 HU MVM MAGYAR VILLAMOS MŰVEK ZRT.* Activities of holding companies 5 355 29,1% 68,1 457,8%
12 PL EUROCASH S.A.* Non-specialised wholesale trade 5 308 -1,9% 26,0 n.a.
13 RO AUTOMOBILE-DACIA SA Manufacture of motor vehicles 5 302 6,8% 161,3 39,6%
14 SK KIA MOTORS SLOVAKIA S.R.O. Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers 5 185 0,0% 240,7 14,7%
15 CZ HYUNDAI MOTOR MANUFACTURING CZECH S.R.O. Manufacture of motor vehicles 5 024 -5,4% 347,1 33,4%
16 CZ UNIPETROL RPA, S.R.O. Manufacture of plastics in primary forms 4 777 7,5% 340,7 -5,1%
17 PL KGHM POLSKA MIEDŹ S.A.* Mining of other non-ferrous metal ores 4 772 0,8% 385,5 8,7%
18 LT ORLEN LIETUVA AB* Manufacture of refined petroleum products 4 705 17,5% 23,8 -88,8%
19 CZ RWE SUPPLY & TRADING CZ, A.S. Trade of gas through mains 4 506 10,8% 64,8 1,6%
20 SI PETROL D.D. Retail sale of automotive fuel in specialised stores 4 365 15,2% 100,6 56,5%
21 LT VILNIAUS PREKYBA UAB* Business and other management consultancy activities 4 240 29,2% 227,6 31,4%
22 HU ROBERT BOSCH ELEKTRONIKA GYÁRTÓ KFT.** Manufacture of loaded electronic boards 4 228 13,1% 86,8 19,5%
23 PL TAURON POLSKA ENERGIA S.A.* Trade of electricity 4 213 4,1% 48,1 -85,0%
24 PL VOLKSWAGEN POZNAŃ SP. Z O.O. Manufacture of motor vehicles 4 145 10,3% 91,4 -12,9%
25 PL ARCELORMITTAL POLAND S.A.* Manufacture of basic iron and steel and of ferro-alloys 4 033 7,5% 129,4 59,4%
26 RO OMV PETROM MARKETING SRL Retail sale of automotive fuel in specialised stores 3 832 18,6% 89,8 30,7%
27 RO OMV PETROM SA Extraction of crude petroleum 3 820 20,7% 831,9 61,7%
28 SK SLOVNAFT, A.S. Manufacture of refined petroleum products 3 798 11,1% 106,2 -38,4%
29 PL LIDL SP. Z O.O. SP.K. Retail sale in non-specialised stores with food, beverages or tobacco predominating 3 731 12,7% 164,7 41,7%
30 HU MERCEDES-BENZ MANUFACTURING HUNGARY KFT. Manufacture of motor vehicles 3 561 3,7% 86,6 16,3%
31 BG BULGARIAN ENERGY HOLDING JSC* Activities of holding companies 3 542 7,8% -133,5 -319,6%
32 LT MAXIMA GRUPE UAB* Business and other management consultancy activities 3 450 22,1% 116,7 55,9%
33 PL VOLKSWAGEN GROUP POLSKA SP. Z O.O. Sale of cars and light motor vehicles 3 352 9,6% 26,8 0,0%
34 PL BP EUROPA SE SPÓŁKA EUROPEJSKA ODDZIAŁ W POLSCE Wholesale of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels and related products 3 184 24,4% 98,9 6,4%
35 PL FCA POLAND S.A. Manufacture of motor vehicles 3 097 -7,4% 61,1 -15,4%
36 CZ ČEZ, A. S. Production of electricity 3 070 2,2% 924,3 365,7%
37 RO ROMPETROL RAFINARE SA Manufacture of refined petroleum products 3 026 26,1% -49,4 -155,0%
38 BG LUKOIL NEFTOHIM BURGAS JSC Manufacture of refined petroleum products 3 006 5,0% -130,0 -183,7%
39 PL ENEA S.A.* Electric power generation, transmission and distribution 2 946 11,1% 167,2 -38,3%
40 HR INA D.D. Manufacture of refined petroleum products 2 842 19,9% 182,5 -20,4%
41 SK PCA SLOVAKIA, S.R.O. Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers 2 792 3,3% 37,3 -19,3%
42 PL PRZEDSIĘBIORSTWO PRODUKCYJNO-HANDLOWO-USŁUGOWE SPECJAŁ SP. Z O.O.* Non-specialised wholesale of food, beverages and tobacco 2 738 21,4% 6,2 61,9%
43 PL TESCO (POLSKA) SP. Z O.O. Other retail sale of food in specialised stores 2 720 -1,7% -94,6 n.a.
44 SK U. S. STEEL KOŠICE, S.R.O. Manufacture of basic iron and steel and of ferro-alloys 2 712 3,8% 126,8 -71,8%
45 CZ MND A.S. Extraction of crude petroleum 2 686 108,0% -5,7 26,2%
46 PL ORANGE POLSKA S.A.* Wired telecommunications activities 2 580 -2,5% 2,3  -n.a.
47 HU WIZZ AIR HUNGARY ZRT. Passenger air transport 2 550 21,3% 261,3 -6,4%
48 BG AURUBIS BULGARIA JSC* Copper production 2 528 -1,5% 103,5 -48,6%
49 CZ MORAVIA STEEL A.S. Wholesale of metals and metal ores 2 512 11,9% 107,8 1,3%
50 PL AUCHAN POLSKA SP. Z O.O. Other retail sale in non-specialised stores 2 491 4,9% n.a. n.a.
51 PL CYFROWY POLSAT S.A.* Satellite telecommunications activities 2 484 8,7% 189,7 -13,7%
52 PL PHILIP MORRIS POLSKA DISTRIBUTION SP. Z O.O. Wholesale of tobacco products 2 456 2,3% 184,0 6,9%
53 SK SLOVENSKÉ ELEKTRÁRNE, A.S. Production of electricity 2 425 11,1% 25,3 -80,1%
54 PL ENERGA S.A. * Activities of holding companies 2 403 -1,9% 173,0 -5,7%
55 SI GEN-I D.O.O. Trade of electricity 2 375 -3,3% 13,0 -4,2%
56 PL POLSKIE SIECI ELEKTROENERGETYCZNE S.A. Transmission of electricity 2 347 13,6% 113,9 -7,7%
57 RO ROMPETROL DOWNSTREAM SRL Retail sale of automotive fuel in specialised stores 2 343 23,2% 16,3 -55,0%
58 PL KAUFLAND POLSKA MARKETY SP. Z O.O. SP.K. Retail sale in non-specialised stores with food, beverages or tobacco predominating 2 343 -0,7% 47,5 18,3%
59 RO KAUFLAND ROMANIA SCS Retail sale in non-specialised stores with food, beverages or tobacco predominating 2 335 8,0% 169,1 17,7%
60 PL GRUPA AZOTY S.A. * Manufacture of other chemical products 2 324 4,0% 1,8 -98,4%
61 HU MAGYAR FÖLDGÁZKERESKEDŐ ZRT. Trade of gas through mains 2 318 42,6% 10,6 151,6%
62 CZ ČEPRO, A.S. Wholesale of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels and related products 2 285 22,0% 40,4 12,5%
63 PL PELION S.A. * Activities of holding companies 2 282 4,0% 21,8 25,8%
64 PL JASTRZĘBSKA SPÓŁKA WĘGLOWA S.A. * Mining of hard coal 2 280 10,5% 409,4 -30,8%
65 PL PAŃSTWOWE GOSPODARSTWO LEŚNE LASY PAŃSTWOWE Silviculture and other forestry activities 2 276 14,3% 124,9 23,4%
66 RO FORD ROMANIA SA Manufacture of motor vehicles 2 262 118,7% 37,8 84,8%
67 CZ KAUFLAND ČESKÁ REPUBLIKA V.O.S. Retail sale in non-specialised stores with food, beverages or tobacco predominating 2 242 1,1% 119,7 56,0%
68 HU FLEXTRONICS INTERNATIONAL TERMELŐ ÉS SZOLGÁLTATÓ VÁMSZABADTERÜLETI KFT. Manufacture of consumer electronics 2 234 0,0% n.a. n.a.
69 HU GE INFRASTRUCTURE HUNGARY HOLDING KFT.* Manufacture of engines and turbines, except aircraft, vehicle and cycle engines 2 221 0,0% n.a. n.a.
70 RS JP EPS BEOGRAD Trade of electricity 2 214 4,9% 13,4 -53,2%
71 RS NIS A.D. NOVI SAD Extraction of crude petroleum 2 183 19,8% 220,5 -6,2%
72 PL POLSKA GRUPA GÓRNICZA S.A.* Mining of hard coal 2 179 13,8% 115,1 439,8%
73 CZ CONTINENTAL BARUM S.R.O. Manufacture of rubber tyres and tubes; retreading and rebuilding of rubber tyres 2 169 -2,5% 118,0 -15,5%
74 PL ASSECO POLAND S.A. * Computer programming activities 2 168 19,1% 138,0 -3,7%
75 HU SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS MAGYAR ZRT. Manufacture of communication equipment 2 056 -5,0% 68,4 -80,4%
76 RO BRITISH AMERICAN TOBACCO (ROMANIA) TRADING SRL Wholesale of tobacco products 2 044 7,5% 33,3 -49,1%
77 CZ LIDL ČESKÁ REPUBLIKA V.O.S. Retail sale in non-specialised stores with food, beverages or tobacco predominating 2 033 19,6% 159,6 -18,4%
78 HU MAGYAR SUZUKI ZRT. Manufacture of motor vehicles 1 953 -3,8% 77,5 -6,8%
79 LV URALKALI TRADING SIA Wholesale of chemical products 1 944 -5,4% 16,54 -8,1%
80 HU TESCO-GLOBAL ÁRUHÁZAK ZRT. Retail sale in non-specialised stores with food, beverages or tobacco predominating 1 938 -0,2% 99,0 81,7%
81 PL ROSSMANN SUPERMARKETY DROGERYJNE POLSKA SP. Z O.O. Retail sale of cosmetic and toilet articles in specialised stores 1 928 7,6% 214,7 7,5%
82 PL AB S.A. * Non-specialised wholesale trade 1 915 -0,5% 14,2 -10,2%
83 PL LG ELECTRONICS MŁAWA SP. Z O.O. Manufacture of communication equipment 1 880 -4,1% 34,5 450,1%
84 PL LPP S.A. * Retail sale of clothing in specialised stores 1 870 14,5% 117,5 14,6%
85 CZ MOL ČESKÁ REPUBLIKA, S.R.O. Wholesale of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels and related products 1 865 3,8% 21,6 12,6%
86 HU ORSZÁGOS DOHÁNYBOLTELLÁTÓ KFT. Wholesale of tobacco products 1 864 10,2% 14,4 28,2%
87 PL INTER CARS S.A. * Wholesale trade of motor vehicle parts and accessories 1 846 15,0% 51,9 3,1%
88 PL CARREFOUR POLSKA SP. Z O.O. Retail sale in non-specialised stores with food, beverages or tobacco predominating 1 845 4,7% 13,9  >1 000
89 CZ ČEZ DISTRIBUCE, A. S. Distribution of electricity 1 835 3,1% 298,1 19,9%
90 PL NEUCA S.A. * Wholesale of pharmaceutical goods 1 802 3,6% 22,8 4,5%
91 PL MERCEDES-BENZ POLSKA SP. Z O.O. * Sale of cars and light motor vehicles 1 800 22,1% 28,7 17,1%
92 SI REVOZ D.D. Manufacture of motor vehicles 1 782 11,5% 33,6 -3,3%
93 CZ TESCO STORES ČR A.S. Retail sale in non-specialised stores with food, beverages or tobacco predominating 1 766 2,3% 49,7 n.a.
94 SK SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS SLOVAKIA S.R.O. Manufacture of consumer electronics 1 759 -30,6% 62,5 -21,4%
95 HU BORSODCHEM ZRT. Manufacture of plastics in primary forms 1 757 8,0% 443,9 12,2%
96 PL KOMPANIA PIWOWARSKA S.A. Manufacture of beer 1 737 79,9% 191,0 193,1%
97 PL GRUPA MUSZKIETERÓW * Business and other management consultancy activities 1 734 5,1% n.a. n.a.
98 PL BUDIMEX S.A. * Construction of roads and motorways 1 717 16,0% 71,0 -34,2%
99 BG LUKOIL-BULGARIA LTD Wholesale of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels and related products 1 703 25,2% 0,5  -n.a.
100 PL CAN-PACK S.A. * Manufacture of light metal packaging 1 698 18,4% 107,2 -9,9%
101 RO LIDL DISCOUNT SRL Retail sale of fruit and vegetables in specialised stores 1 670 19,6% 88,4 16,9%
102 LT MAXIMA LT UAB Retail sale in non-specialised stores with food, beverages or tobacco predominating 1 638 5,9% 106,5 96,8%
103 PL SYNTHOS S.A. * Business and other management consultancy activities 1 633 -1,8% 113,5 -16,2%
104 HU SPAR MAGYARORSZÁG KERESKEDELMI KFT. Retail sale in non-specialised stores with food, beverages or tobacco predominating 1 630 9,6% 61,9 2,4%
105 BG NATSIONALNA ELEKTRICHESKA KOMPANIA JSC Trade of electricity 1 627 2,7% -37,7 >-1 000
106 PL ŻABKA POLSKA SP. Z O.O. * Management consultancy activities 1 605 59,9% -35,1 n.a.
107 PL EURO NET Sp. z o.o. Retail sale of electrical household appliances in specialised stores 1 597 13,9% 28,5 -0,2%
108 PL PLAY COMMUNICATIONS S.A. * Wireless telecommunications activities 1 590 2,5% 173,1 92,2%
109 PL SIGNIFY POLAND Sp. z o.o. Manufacture of electric lighting equipment 1 576 -2,2% 24,9 158,4%
110 CZ TŘINECKÉ ŽELEZÁRNY, A. S. Manufacture of basic iron and steel and of ferro-alloys 1 574 12,9% 129,6 134,1%
111 PL POCZTA POLSKA S.A. * Postal activities under universal service obligation 1 573 6,7% -15,7 n.a.
112 PL CASTORAMA POLSKA SP. Z O.O. Retail sale of hardware, paints and glass in specialised stores 1 568 6,4% 96,4 9,9%
113 RO CARREFOUR ROMANIA SA Retail sale in non-specialised stores with food, beverages or tobacco predominating 1 568 8,4% 56,1 24,8%
114 RO STAR ASSEMBLY SRL Manufacture of bearings, gears, gearing and driving elements 1 550 -1,3% 56,7 7,5%
115 RO DEDEMAN SRL Retail sale of hardware, paints and glass in specialised stores 1 549 14,1% 217,2 13,9%
116 HU MAGYAR TELEKOM TÁVKÖZLÉSI NYRT. Wired telecommunications activities 1 536 4,6% 117,3 -10,0%
117 HU SZERENCSEJÁTÉK ZRT.* Gambling and betting activities 1 530 12,5% 67,2 15,0%
118 SK Slovenský plynárenský priemysel, a.s. Trade of gas through mains 1 526 1,1% 313,6 -1,5%
119 SI HOLDING SLOVENSKE ELEKTRARNE D.O.O. Trade of electricity 1 519 -8,4% 9,5 -51,9%
120 PL MAKRO CASH AND CARRY POLSKA S.A. Wholesale of food, beverages and tobacco 1 514 -2,4% 3,6 >-1 000
121 PL SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS POLSKA SP. Z O.O. Non-specialised wholesale trade 1 498 -0,9% 33,1 1,3%
122 LV ELKO GRUPA AS* Wholesale of computers, computer peripheral equipment and software 1 497 6,3% 7,92 -35,3%
123 PL T-MOBILE POLSKA S.A. Wireless telecommunications activities 1 482 -0,3% -2,5 -128,8%
124 SK Mobis Slovakia s.r.o. Manufacture of other parts and accessories for motor vehicles 1 479 4,1% 45,4 5,6%
125 CZ TOYOTA PEUGEOT CITROËN AUTOMOBILE CZECH, S.R.O. Manufacture of motor vehicles 1 473 4,1% 11,4 14,9%
126 PL VOLKSWAGEN MOTOR POLSKA SP. Z O.O. Manufacture of parts and accessories for motor vehicles 1 465 -0,6% 38,7 -6,7%
127 PL ANIMEX FOODS SP. Z O.O. SP.K. Processing and preserving of poultry meat 1 451 9,6% 46,0 74,2%
128 RO MOL ROMANIA PETROLEUM PRODUCTS SRL Retail sale of automotive fuel in specialised stores 1 441 22,9% 54,6 38,9%
129 PL POLSKIE LINIE LOTNICZE LOT S.A. Passenger air transport 1 439 29,0% 48,6 -41,0%
130 SK TESCO STORES SR, a.s. Other retail sale in non-specialised stores 1 433 -1,2% 93,9 193,8%
131 PL JTI POLSKA Sp. z o.o. Manufacture of tobacco products 1 425 13,7% 23,5 0,0%
132 PL BRITISH AMERICAN TOBACCO POLSKA TRADING SP. Z O.O. Wholesale of tobacco products 1 420 5,8% 9,7 19,1%
133 PL BORYSZEW S.A. * Manufacture of other chemical products n.e.c. 1 418 -3,0% 33,6 -28,3%
134 CZ GECO, A.S. Wholesale of tobacco products 1 418 6,3% 18,4 27,6%
135 PL BSH SPRZĘT GOSPODARSTWA DOMOWEGO SP. Z O.O. Manufacture of electric domestic appliances 1 411 7,3% 52,7 43,4%
136 PL FARMACOL S.A. * Activities of head offices 1 394 -0,6% 11,6 -33,5%
137 HU RICHTER GEDEON VEGYÉSZETI GYÁR NYRT.* Manufacture of pharmaceutical preparations 1 387 0,3% 112,8 259,4%
138 HU LIDL MAGYARORSZÁG KERESKEDELMI BT. Retail sale in non-specialised stores with food, beverages or tobacco predominating 1 386 31,2% 82,6 54,8%
139 SK OKTE, a.s. Agents specialised in the sale of other particular products 1 386 8,9% 0,8 33,6%
140 PL PKP POLSKIE LINIE KOLEJOWE S.A.* Service activities incidental to land transportation 1 386 3,5% -28,7 -573,2%
141 HU NKM FÖLDGÁZSZOLGÁLTATÓ ZRT. Trade of gas through mains 1 384 -6,0% 21,6 -6,1%
142 HU HARMAN BECKER GÉPKOCSIRENDSZER GYÁRTÓ KFT. Manufacture of communication equipment 1 365 2,4% 220,9 197,8%
143 PL DINO POLSKA S.A. * Retail sale in non-specialised stores with food, beverages or tobacco predominating 1 357 29,3% 71,5 44,0%
144 PL CEDROB S.A. * Production of meat and poultry meat products 1 323 17,7% 60,8 48,6%
145 RO ENGIE ROMANIA S.A. Trade of gas through mains 1 300 19,7% 97,8 35,2%
146 PL IMPERIAL TOBACCO POLSKA S.A. Manufacture of tobacco products 1 292 7,2% 41,6 85,4%
147 PL SHELL POLSKA SP. Z O.O. Retail sale of automotive fuel in specialised stores 1 282 18,2% 28,2 38,2%
148 SI KRKA, TOVARNA ZDRAVIL, D.D. Manufacture of pharmaceutical preparations 1 279 1,6% 163,3 6,2%
149 PL POLSKA GRUPA ZBROJENIOWA S.A. * Manufacture of explosives 1 278 10,4% 8,7 -133,4%
150 PL OPEL MANUFACTURING POLAND SP. Z O.O. Manufacture of motor vehicles 1 278 -32,4% 16,0 -66,8%
151 HU CONTINENTAL AUTOMOTIVE HUNGARY KFT.** Manufacture of electronic components 1 271 2,3% -105,3 727,7%
152 RO PROFI ROM FOOD SRL Retail sale in non-specialised stores with food, beverages or tobacco predominating 1 269 25,2% -19,4 -169,2%
153 CZ LIBERTY OSTRAVA A.S. Manufacture of basic iron and steel and of ferro-alloys 1 269 20,0% 153,7 24,5%
154 PL WĘGLOKOKS S.A. * Wholesale of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels and related products 1 255 53,8% n.a. n.a.
155 HU OMV HUNGÁRIA ÁSVÁNYOLAJ KFT. Agents involved in the sale of fuels, ores, metals and industrial chemicals 1 238 20,8% 21,0 -36,8%
156 PL POLSKA GRUPA FARMACEUTYCZNA S.A. * Wholesale of pharmaceutical goods 1 232 1,4% 2,9 -45,1%
157 RO ORANGE ROMANIA SA Wireless telecommunications activities 1 231 7,1% 41,2 -39,8%
158 CZ INNOGY ENERGIE, S.R.O. Trade of gas through mains 1 231 -1,8% 105,0 -16,7%
159 RO MEGA IMAGE SRL Retail sale in non-specialised stores with food, beverages or tobacco predominating 1 228 16,7% 54,5 26,0%
160 LT LIETUVOS ENERGIJA UAB* Business and other management consultancy activities 1 216 14,3% 6,5 -93,1%
161 PL LEROY-MERLIN POLSKA SP. Z O.O. Retail sale of hardware, paints and glass in specialised stores 1 213 10,3% 50,1 33,2%
162 PL PKP CARGO S.A. * Freight rail transport 1 205 10,4% 42,8 125,2%
163 SI POSLOVNI SISTEM MERCATOR D.D. Retail sale in non-specialised stores with food, beverages or tobacco predominating 1 200 -0,5% -10,9 n.a.
164 SK Foxconn Slovakia, spol. s r.o. Manufacture of consumer electronics 1 199 2,5% 8,7 -9,8%
165 PL ELECTROLUX POLAND SP. Z O.O. Manufacture of electric domestic appliances 1 197 10,2% 23,0 4,7%
166 CZ EZPADA S.R.O. Trade of electricity 1 190 -16,5% 1,2 n.a.
167 PL TOTALIZATOR SPORTOWY SP. Z O.O. * Gambling and betting activities 1 187 9,4% 54,6 -22,4%
168 HU E.ON ENERGIAKERESKEDELMI KFT. Trade of electricity 1 173 77,5% -10,9 -187,6%
169 PL IKEA INDUSTRY POLAND Sp. z o.o. Manufacture of other furniture 1 169 9,4% 14,7 -54,9%
170 HU JABIL CIRCUIT MAGYARORSZÁG SZERZŐDÉSES GYÁRTÓ KFT.** Manufacture of electronic components 1 168 12,4% 6,6 -21,3%
171 HU PANRUSGÁZ GÁZKERESKEDELMI ZRT. Wholesale of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels and related products 1 162 27,4% 2,7 114,6%
172 HR HRVATSKA ELEKTROPRIVREDA D.D. Distribution of electricity 1 162 12,7% 47,8 -2,8%
173 RO AUCHAN ROMÂNIA SA Retail sale in non-specialised stores with food, beverages or tobacco predominating 1 159 3,5% 7,5 -53,3%
174 CZ O2 CZECH REPUBLIC A.S. Wireless telecommunications activities 1 156 -2,1% 204,9 -2,7%
175 PL MICHELIN POLSKA S.A. Manufacture of rubber tyres and tubes; retreading and rebuilding of rubber tyres 1 152 -0,6% 40,3 -47,7%
176 SK Lidl Slovenská republika, v.o.s. Retail sale in non-specialised stores with food, beverages or tobacco predominating 1 149 10,2% 110,6 13,8%
177 PL GRUPA SAINT-GOBAIN POLSKA * Shaping and processing of flat glass 1 147 3,9% 65,6 -36,3%
178 PL MAN TRUCKS SP. Z O.O. Manufacture of motor vehicles 1 142 23,0% 21,1 115,0%
179 PL CEDC INTERNATIONAL Sp. z o.o. Wholesale of beverages 1 141 4,4% 27,0 24,7%
180 RO METRO CASH & CARRY ROMANIA SRL Non-specialised wholesale of food, beverages and tobacco 1 137 12,1% 19,0 -23,7%
181 PL MASPEX-GMW SP. Z O.O. SP.K. * Manufacture of cocoa, chocolate and sugar confectionery 1 107 7,7% n.a. n.a.
182 HU PORSCHE HUNGARIA KERESKEDELMI KFT. Sale of cars and light motor vehicles 1 103 6,9% 6,8 -25,5%
183 PL CCC S.A. * Retail sale of footwear and leather goods in specialised stores 1 099 12,7% 52,0 -26,1%
184 SI LEK FARMACEVTSKA DRUŽBA D.D. Manufacture of pharmaceutical preparations 1 097 9,9% 116,7 40,3%
185 PL TOYOTA MOTOR POLAND COMPANY LIMITED Sp. z o.o. Sale of cars and light motor vehicles 1 096 18,3% 0,1 -92,9%
186 HR PRVO PLINARSKO DRUŠTVO D.O.O. Distribution of gaseous fuels through mains 1 095 6,6% 15,1 -55,9%
187 RO ARCELORMITTAL GALAŢI SA Manufacture of basic iron and steel and of ferro-alloys 1 094 9,5% 40,7 n.a.
188 SK Continental Matador Rubber, s.r.o. Manufacture of rubber tyres and tubes; retreading and rebuilding of rubber tyres 1 089 8,1% 156,8 -10,5%
189 PL SPÓŁDZIELNIA MLECZARSKA MLEKOVITA Operation of dairies and cheese making 1 085 5,7% 3,0 -86,6%
190 PL CIRCLE K POLSKA SP. Z O.O. Retail sale of automotive fuel in specialised stores 1 078 5,5% 11,4 6,0%
191 PL WHIRLPOOL COMPANY POLSKA SP. Z O.O. Manufacture of electric domestic appliances 1 074 0,3% 15,9 n.a.
192 HU HUNGAROPHARMA GYÓGYSZERKERESKEDELMI ZRT.* Wholesale of pharmaceutical goods 1 073 19,4% 13,8 -6,1%
193 SK Kaufland Slovenská republika v.o.s. Other retail sale in non-specialised stores 1 070 6,9% 49,5 9,3%
194 HU AUCHAN MAGYARORSZÁG KERESKEDELMI ÉS SZOLGÁLTATÓ KFT. Retail sale in non-specialised stores with food, beverages or tobacco predominating 1 069 10,9% 26,8 126,3%
195 RO SOCIETATEA NATIONALA DE GAZE NATURALE ” ROMGAZ ” SA Extraction of natural gas 1 064 8,3% 291,7 -26,6%
196 CZ SIEMENS, S.R.O. Manufacture of other electrical equipment 1 063 17,6% 33,9 -6,0%
197 HU CHINOIN GYÓGYSZER- ÉS VEGYÉSZETI TERMÉKEK GYÁRA ZRT.* Manufacture of pharmaceutical preparations 1 062 5,2% 122,9 6,0%
198 PL PFLEIDERER GROUP S.A. * Manufacture of veneer sheets and wood-based panels 1 062 8,8% 5,9 -64,5%
199 PL PEPCO POLAND Sp. z o.o. Non-specialised wholesale trade 1 061 9,3% 108,0 18,7%
200 CZ T-MOBILE CZECH REPUBLIC A.S. Wireless telecommunications activities 1 048 0,7% 217,5 27,5%
201 PL ABC DATA S.A. * Wholesale of computers, computer peripheral equipment and software 1 038 -3,6% -16,1 -373,3%
202 PL MEDIA MARKT SATURN W POLSCE * Business and other management consultancy activities 1 037 0,4% n.a. n.a.
203 LT SANITEX UAB* Non-specialised wholesale of food, beverages and tobacco 1 025 8,6% 20,4 134,0%
204 PL RENAULT POLSKA SP. Z O.O. Sale of cars and light motor vehicles 1 013 14,2% 8,6 0,3%
205 PL HERMES ENERGY GROUP S.A. Trade of gas through mains 1 012 108,2% 11,5 54,8%
206 CZ PORSCHE ČESKÁ REPUBLIKA S.R.O. Sale of cars and light motor vehicles 1 008 -11,6% 15,6 -20,4%
207 HU PCE PARAGON SOLUTIONS KFT. Manufacture of computers and peripheral equipment 992 4,7% -12,4 -126,0%
208 HU ISD DUNAFERR ZRT.*1 Manufacture of basic iron and steel and of ferro-alloys 991 0,0% n.a. n.a.
209 RO SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS ROMANIA SRL Wholesale of electronic and telecommunications equipment and parts 981 8,2% 19,2 42,9%
210 HU SHELL HUNGARY KERESKEDELMI ZRT. Retail sale of automotive fuel in specialised stores 976 14,9% 17,0 -14,6%
211 CZ METALIMEX A. S. Wholesale of metals and metal ores 969 4,9% 12,8 29,2%
212 PL IKEA RETAIL SP. Z O.O. * Retail sale of furniture, lighting equipment and other household articles in specialised stores 969 11,3% 16,0 n.a.
213 HU PHOENIX PHARMA GYÓGYSZERKERESKEDELMI ZRT. Wholesale of pharmaceutical goods 963 16,9% 20,3 9,7%
214 EE TALLINK GRUPP AS* Sea and coastal passenger water transport 949 -1,8% 40,0 -13,9%
215 HU KITE MEZŐGAZDASÁGI SZOLGÁLTATÓ ÉS KERESKEDELMI ZRT.* Wholesale of agricultural machinery, equipment and supplies 948 10,3% 14,7 10,3%
216 PL SPÓŁDZIELNIA MLECZARSKA MLEKPOL W GRAJEWIE Operation of dairies and cheese making 940 0,6% 6,6 -41,4%
217 PL BASF POLSKA SP. Z O.O. * Non-specialised wholesale trade 930 10,9% n.a. n.a.
218 PL MONDI ŚWIECIE S.A. Manufacture of paper and paperboard 930 25,2% 301,1 89,3%
219 CZ ČESKÉ DRÁHY, A.S. Passenger rail transport, interurban 928 8,1% 17,8 -67,9%
220 CZ BOSCH DIESEL S.R.O. Manufacture of other parts and accessories for motor vehicles 920 -0,2% 19,4 -2,3%
221 PL STALPRODUKT S.A. * Manufacture of industrial gases 919 13,0% 66,2 3,3%
223 CZ PHOENIX LÉKÁRENSKÝ VELKOOBCHOD, S.R.O. Wholesale of pharmaceutical goods 911 -2,8% 10,7 -7,3%
224 SK SAS Automotive s.r.o. Manufacture of other parts and accessories for motor vehicles 909 41,3% 9,6 118,4%
225 PL SOKOŁÓW S.A. * Processing and preserving of meat 909 6,6% 27,2 3,5%
226 RO DANTE INTERNATIONAL SA Retail sale of electrical household appliances in specialised stores 908 28,0% -9,6 n.a.
227 LT ME INVESTICIJA UAB* Activities of head offices 903 33,4% 64,3 -24,9%
228 RO ELECTRICA FURNIZARE SA Trade of electricity 896 7,7% 30,2 >1 000
229 CZ GLOBUS ČR, K.S. Retail sale in non-specialised stores with food, beverages or tobacco predominating 896 1,0% 15,6 7,3%
230 CZ IVECO CZECH REPUBLIC, A. S. Manufacture of motor vehicles 895 6,2% 81,2 -4,5%
231 LV RIMI LATVIA SIA Retail sale in non-specialised stores with food, beverages or tobacco predominating 893 2,7% 45,30 10,9%
232 RS HBIS GROUP SERBIA IRON & STEEL D.O.O. BEOGRAD Manufacture of basic iron and steel and of ferro-alloys 888 34,6% 0,2 892,8%
233 PL TELE-FONIKA KABLE S.A. * Manufacture of other electronic and electric wires and cables 886 4,9% 14,4 118,2%
234 LV URALCHEM TRADING SIA Wholesale of chemical products 885 1,6% 16,3 -54,4%
235 LV LATVENERGO AS* Production of electricity 878 -5,1% 75,96 -76,4%
236 PL TPV DISPLAYS POLSKA Sp. z o.o. Manufacture of electronic components 877 8,1% 5,5 28,2%
237 RO RENAULT COMMERCIAL ROUMANIE SRL Sale of cars and light motor vehicles 876 33,3% 16,1 55,0%
238 EE EESTI ENERGIA AS* Trade of electricity 875 16,1% 106,2 5,4%
239 CZ AT COMPUTERS A.S. Wholesale of computers, computer peripheral equipment and software 874 -2,0% 7,9 -7,2%
240 HU NEMZETI ÚTDÍJFIZETÉSI SZOLGÁLTATÓ ZRT.* Service activities incidental to land transportation 870 7,6% 2,6 -3,9%
241 BG SAKSA LTD Wholesale of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels and related products 868 57,1% 8,1 43,2%
242 SK Faurecia Automotive Slovakia s.r.o. Manufacture of other parts and accessories for motor vehicles 863 49,6% -18,8 n.a.
243 PL VOLVO POLSKA SP. Z O.O. Manufacture of motor vehicles 862 6,9% 9,9 40,9%
244 PL TRW POLSKA SP. Z O.O. Manufacture of other parts and accessories for motor vehicles 861 -1,2% -4,4 -123,0%
245 RO AUTOLIV ROMANIA SRL Manufacture of other parts and accessories for motor vehicles 858 2,0% 34,4 41,8%
246 PL NESTLE POLSKA S.A. Wholesale of sugar and chocolate and sugar confectionery 855 11,3% 67,1 28,5%
247 PL CIECH S.A. * Wholesale of chemical products 853 2,6% 42,7 -53,4%
248 PL MORPOL S.A. Processing and preserving of fish, crustaceans and molluscs 851 18,1% 9,5 n.a.
249 RS DELHAIZE SERBIA DOO BEOGRAD Retail sale in non-specialised stores with food, beverages or tobacco predominating 846 6,1% 22,6 -37,5%
250 SI GORENJE GOSPODINJSKI APARATI, D.D. Manufacture of electric domestic appliances 842 -0,2% -126,8 >-1 000
251 SK ZSE Energia, a.s. Trade of electricity 838 7,4% 14,8 51,6%
252 RO COFCO INTERNATIONAL ROMANIA SRL Wholesale of grain, unmanufactured tobacco, seeds and animal feeds 836 50,2% 0,9 -64,9%
253 CZ METROSTAV A.S. Construction of residential and non-residential buildings 835 9,9% 14,1 -7,6%
254 PL ANWIM S.A. Wholesale of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels and related products 835 16,2% 5,4 130,7%
255 RO MEDIPLUS EXIM SRL Wholesale of pharmaceutical goods 832 -0,1% 13,0 27,6%
256 CZ ROBERT BOSCH, SPOL. S R.O. Manufacture of other parts and accessories for motor vehicles 832 3,1% 15,5 -20,0%
257 BG ADVANCE PROPERTIES LTD* Business and other management consultancy activities 830 25,9% 84,4 -11,4%
258 EE NG KAPITAL OU* Activities of head offices 822 5,0% 31,2 1,7%
259 RO VODAFONE ROMANIA SA Wireless telecommunications activities 817 -16,1% 38,1 152,2%
260 HR HRVATSKI TELEKOM D.D. Wired telecommunications activities 813 -0,7% 133,6 17,8%
261 SK OMV Slovensko, s.r.o. Wholesale of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels and related products 808 11,2% 14,6 18,9%
262 BG KAUFLAND BULGARIA EOOD & CO* Retail sale in non-specialised stores with food, beverages or tobacco predominating 807 5,6% 37,1 -6,0%
263 HU LUK SAVARIA KUPLUNGGYÁRTÓ KFT. Manufacture of other parts and accessories for motor vehicles 806 3,3% 45,2 1,4%
264 SI OMV SLOVENIJA D.O.O. Retail sale of automotive fuel in specialised stores 802 29,1% 24,0 9,8%
265 PL MARS POLSKA Sp. z o.o. Manufacture of other food products n.e.c. 801 171,3% 35,2 n.a.
266 PL POLENERGIA S.A. * Steam and air conditioning supply 801 24,8% 0,8 n.a.
267 SI IMPOL D.O.O. Aluminium production 800 6,5% 18,8 -4,1%
268 RO SELGROS CASH & CARRY SRL Non-specialised wholesale of food, beverages and tobacco 797 2,1% 15,7 49,8%
269 RO E.ON ENERGIE ROMÂNIA SA Trade of gas through mains 796 -21,6% 14,2 -8,7%
270 CZ PCA LOGISTIKA CZ, S.R.O. Sale of cars and light motor vehicles 794 0,5% 1,3 0,3%
271 PL NETTO SP. Z O.O. Other retail sale of food in specialised stores 786 4,7% 19,9 17,4%
272 PL UNIMOT S.A. * Wholesale of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels and related products 783 12,0% -0,7 -116,1%
273 LT ACHEMOS GRUPE KONCERNAS UAB* Business and other management consultancy activities 783 0,3% -16,5 -155,6%
274 RO AMEROPA GRAINS SA Wholesale of grain, unmanufactured tobacco, seeds and animal feeds 782 23,3% 7,1 18,7%
275 HU UNIPER HUNGARY ENERGETIKAI KFT. Production of electricity 780 621,8% 17,6 660,0%
276 LV MAXIMA LATVIJA SIA Retail sale in non-specialised stores with food, beverages or tobacco predominating 776 6,4% 21,92 -5,6%
277 RO FILDAS TRADING SRL Wholesale of pharmaceutical goods 775 35,8% 23,4 5,7%
278 PL GRUPA ŻYWIEC S.A. * Manufacture of beer 772 48,9% 75,4 25,4%
279 HU ARCONIC-KÖFÉM SZÉKESFEHÉRVÁRI KÖNNYŰFÉMMŰ KFT. Aluminium production 772 8,9% 98,8 -10,9%
280 PL GLENCORE POLSKA SP. Z O.O. Non-specialised wholesale trade 770 -17,8% 11,6 733,8%
281 CZ ČESKÁ TELEKOMUNIKAČNÍ INFRASTRUKTURA A.S. Wired telecommunications activities 770 -5,5% 99,0 -6,5%
282 PL IMPEXMETAL S.A. * Aluminium production 767 -1,6% 43,2 193,9%
283 PL STRABAG SP. Z O.O. * Construction of roads and motorways 766 9,0% 7,0 19,3%
284 RO ADM ROMANIA TRADING SRL Wholesale of grain, unmanufactured tobacco, seeds and animal feeds 764 22,8% -4,5 -232,5%
285 LT GIRTEKA LOGISTICS UAB Other transportation support activities 764 36,1% 19,1 64,0%
286 RO ALTEX ROMANIA SRL Retail sale of electrical household appliances in specialised stores 762 8,2% 13,6 30,5%
287 HU MICHELIN HUNGÁRIA ABRONCSGYÁRTÓ KFT. Manufacture of rubber tyres and tubes; retreading and rebuilding of rubber tyres 756 4,7% 34,1 -8,6%
288 HU DENSO GYÁRTÓ MAGYARORSZÁG KFT.1 Manufacture of other parts and accessories for motor vehicles 754 0,0% 0,0 -100,0%
289 PL TRANSGOURMET POLSKA SP. Z O.O. Non-specialised wholesale trade 754 5,2% 9,1 -32,2%
290 CZ DOPRAVNÍ PODNIK HL. M. PRAHY, AKCIOVÁ SPOLEČNOST Urban and suburban passenger land transport 752 4,2% 59,4 -19,6%
291 HU OPEL SOUTHEAST EUROPE AUTÓFORGALMAZÓ KFT. Sale of cars and light motor vehicles 751 7,4% 10,5 > 1 000
292 PL CMC POLAND SP. Z O.O. Manufacture of basic iron and steel and of ferro-alloys 745 25,0% 61,5 107,2%
293 HU PENNY-MARKET KERESKEDELMI KFT. Retail sale in non-specialised stores with food, beverages or tobacco predominating 745 12,8% 7,6 47,1%
294 PL SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS POLAND MANUFACTURING SP. Z O.O. Manufacture of electric domestic appliances 742 1,0% 19,2 -21,9%
295 PL CELSA HUTA OSTROWIEC SP. Z O.O. Manufacture of basic iron and steel and of ferro-alloys 740 19,1% 27,4 -3,3%
296 RO REWE (ROMANIA) SRL Retail sale in non-specialised stores with food, beverages or tobacco predominating 740 15,2% 7,7 88,3%
297 PL ARCTIC PAPER S.A. * Activities of head offices 734 7,0% 13,0 -14,2%
298 SK Tesco International Clothing Brand s.r.o. Agents specialised in the sale of other particular products 732 0,8% 0,0 -99,4%
299 LT KESKO SENUKAI LITHUANIA UAB* Retail sale of hardware, paints and glass in specialised stores 732 15,8% 0,0 -100,0%
300 HU WABERER 'S INTERNATIONAL NYRT.* Freight transport by road 731 12,3% -20,9 -217,7%
301 PL AUTO-HANDEL-CENTRUM KROTOSKI, CICHY SP.J.  * Sale of cars and light motor vehicles 729 18,7% 8,5 0,9%
302 PL ITAKA HOLDINGS Sp. z o.o.* Tour operator activities 728 17,2% n.a. n.a.
303 PL ZAKŁADY FARMACEUTYCZNE POLPHARMA S.A. * Manufacture of pharmaceutical preparations 727 -8,5% 99,7 n.a.
304 SK Stredoslovenská energetika Holding, a.s. Trade of electricity 726 18,9% 9,0 40,3%
306 RS FCA SRBIJA D.O.O. KRAGUJEVAC Manufacture of motor vehicles 723 -22,1% 12,8 -28,9%
307 RS TELEKOM SRBIJA A.D., BEOGRAD Wired telecommunications activities 722 -0,2% 0,1 -99,9%
308 PL FORD POLSKA SP. Z O.O. Sale of cars and light motor vehicles 714 11,4% -0,1 -103,2%
309 HR CRODUX DERIVATI DVA D.O.O. Retail sale of automotive fuel in specialised stores 714 35,9% 15,5 26,3%
310 RO OMV PETROM GAS SRL Agents involved in the sale of fuels, ores, metals and industrial chemicals 712 0,3% 13,4 13,5%
311 PL ONICO S.A. * Wholesale of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels and related products 710 8,6% 4,9 97,7%
312 HU EATON ENTERPRISES (HUNGARY) KFT. Manufacture of electricity distribution and control apparatus 710 0,6% 701,6 6,7%
313 CZ HELLA AUTOTECHNIK NOVA, S.R.O. Manufacture of electric lighting equipment 708 8,0% 22,7 -14,1%
314 CZ ALLIANCE HEALTHCARE S.R.O. Wholesale of pharmaceutical goods 706 5,0% 10,0 2,7%
315 RS MERCATOR-S DOO NOVI SAD Retail sale in non-specialised stores with food, beverages or tobacco predominating 702 -7,0% -14,1 n.a.
316 PL UNILEVER POLSKA SP. Z O.O. Wholesale of other food, including fish, crustaceans and molluscs 701 -1,8% 14,0 127,2%
317 EE ERICSSON EESTI AS Manufacture of communication equipment 701 -13,9% 3,4 -12,0%
318 RO FARMEXPERT D.C.I. SRL Wholesale of pharmaceutical goods 699 10,4% 18,1 -5,8%
319 PL SKANSKA S.A. Construction of residential and non-residential buildings 699 -22,5% -94,6 n.a.
320 PL GRUPA KĘTY S.A. * Aluminium production 695 13,3% 62,4 13,5%
321 SK Slovak Telekom, a.s. Wired telecommunications activities 695 1,7% 106,3 60,5%
322 HU ELECTROLUX LEHEL HŰTŐGÉPGYÁR KFT. Manufacture of electric domestic appliances 690 -9,1% 7,2 26,9%
323 PL PKP ENERGETYKA S.A. Distribution of electricity 688 10,0% 40,3 3,0%
324 PL ABB SP. Z O.O. Manufacture of electricity distribution and control apparatus 688 7,1% -16,8 n.a.
325 RO HELLA ROMÂNIA SRL Manufacture of electrical and electronic equipment for motor vehicles 686 17,1% 41,0 34,9%
326 CZ TANK ONO, S.R.O. Retail sale of automotive fuel in specialised stores 686 10,0% 2,0 -42,4%
327 HR LIDL HRVATSKA D.O.O. K.D. Retail sale in non-specialised stores with food, beverages or tobacco predominating 685 9,5% 38,0 7,4%
328 LT VIADA LT UAB* Retail sale of automotive fuel in specialised stores 684 26,5% 5,0 3,3%
329 LT EUROAPOTHECA UAB* Business and other management consultancy activities 682 86,0% 17,8 -7,0%
330 PL THYSSENKRUPP ENERGOSTAL S.A. Wholesale of metals and metal ores 681 16,9% 15,8 -3,7%
331 SI TELEKOM SLOVENIJE, D.D. Wired telecommunications activities 681 2,8% 34,0 >1 000
332 EE TALLINNA KAUBAMAJA GRUPP AS* Activities of holding companies 681 4,6% 30,4 2,0%
333 PL AMICA S.A. * Manufacture of electric domestic appliances 680 10,3% 26,6 -24,2%
334 RO PORSCHE ROMANIA SRL Sale of cars and light motor vehicles 677 8,8% 33,0 43,3%
335 PL GRUPA E.LECLERC * Other retail sale in non-specialised stores 676 3,9% n.a. n.a.
336 CZ ČESKÁ POŠTA, S.P. Postal activities under universal service obligation 675 -2,0% -8,2 -371,8%
337 HU MAGYAR POSTA ZRT.* Postal activities under universal service obligation 675 5,9% -7,6 -591,1%
338 CZ ADIENT CZECH REPUBLIC K.S. Manufacture of other parts and accessories for motor vehicles 671 12,5% 0,0 23,8%
339 CZ OMV ČESKÁ REPUBLIKA, S.R.O. Retail sale of automotive fuel in specialised stores 669 -1,9% 22,8 4,7%
340 HU HANKOOK TIRE MAGYARORSZÁG GYÁRTÓ ÉS KERESKEDELMI KFT. Manufacture of rubber tyres and tubes; retreading and rebuilding of rubber tyres 669 -3,1% 156,0 10,7%
341 HU BUDAPESTI ELEKTROMOS MŰVEK NYRT.* Trade of electricity 668 2,5% 46,5 -24,2%
342 BG BULGARGAZ JSC Trade of gas through mains 666 15,7% -16,4 -437,8%
343 PL STOKROTKA SP. Z O.O. Retail sale in non-specialised stores with food, beverages or tobacco predominating 664 12,7% -4,3 -192,3%
344 RS PREDUZEĆE ZA SPOLJNU I UNUTRAŠNJU TRGOVINU I USLUGE NELT CO. DOO DOBANOVCI Wholesale of sugar and chocolate and sugar confectionery 662 0,8% 4,5 -59,7%
345 RS PREDUZEĆE ZA PROIZVODNJU GUMA TIGAR TYRES, DRUŠTVO SA OGRANIČENOM ODGOVORNOŠĆU PIROT Manufacture of rubber tyres and tubes; retreading and rebuilding of rubber tyres 661 15,9% 40,9 -53,2%
346 HU BORGWARNER OROSZLÁNY KFT.** Manufacture of other parts and accessories for motor vehicles 660 4,4% 65,7 -13,6%
347 RO MICHELIN ROMANIA S.A. Manufacture of rubber tyres and tubes; retreading and rebuilding of rubber tyres 659 20,0% 21,2 93,1%
348 PL PKP INTERCITY S.A.* Passenger rail transport, interurban 657 5,0% 39,2 -45,8%
349 RO CONTINENTAL AUTOMOTIVE PRODUCTS SRL Manufacture of rubber tyres and tubes; retreading and rebuilding of rubber tyres 654 -2,5% 124,7 -16,6%
350 PL OKTAN ENERGY & V/L SERVICE SP. Z O.O. Wholesale of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels and related products 654 -1,1% 6,4 43,2%
351 RS JAVNO PREDUZEĆE SRBIJAGAS NOVI SAD Trade of gas through mains 653 9,3% 125,8 -11,1%
352 LT PALINK UAB Retail sale in non-specialised stores with food, beverages or tobacco predominating 649 1,0% 22,2 125,2%
353 HU ALDI MAGYARORSZÁG ÉLELMISZER ÉLELMISZER KERESKEDELMI BT. Retail sale in non-specialised stores with food, beverages or tobacco predominating 649 22,4% 16,1 123,8%
354 SK Schaeffler Kysuce, spol. s r.o. Manufacture of bearings, gears, gearing and driving elements 648 6,7% 13,9 -15,9%
355 RO ROBERT BOSCH SRL Manufacture of electrical and electronic equipment for motor vehicles 643 31,3% 26,5 47,9%
356 PL TORUŃSKIE ZAKŁADY MATERIAŁÓW OPATRUNKOWYCH S.A. * Wholesale of other household goods 642 3,2% 77,3 0,6%
357 CZ PLZEŇSKÝ PRAZDROJ, A. S. Manufacture of beer 642 10,9% 173,2 15,2%
358 PL GRUPA RABEN * Support activities for transportation 638 7,5% 54,5 34,6%
359 CZ SYNTHOS KRALUPY A.S. Manufacture of other organic basic chemicals 637 -0,1% 67,6 18,7%
360 PL PORR S.A. Development of building projects 635 62,4% -1,7 -233,6%
361 LT LINAS AGRO GROUP AB* Renting and operating of own or leased real estate 634 -1,6% 9,5 12,5%
362 SK GGT a. s. Wholesale of tobacco products 632 10,4% 0,9 -0,5%
363 PL OPEL POLAND SP. Z O.O. Sale of cars and light motor vehicles 632 10,1% 5,4 150,9%
364 LT MG BALTIC KONCERNAS UAB* Activities of head offices 631 4,0% 19,4 -14,5%
365 PL GRUPA PSB HANDEL S.A. Wholesale of wood, construction materials and sanitary equipment 631 63,1% 5,8 22,8%
366 HR PETROL D.O.O. Wholesale of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels and related products 627 -0,3% 12,0 45,7%
367 BG EXPRESS LOGISTIC AND DISTRIBUTION LTD Wholesale of tobacco products 626 14,7% 1,4 n.a.
368 PL ZAKŁADY TŁUSZCZOWE KRUSZWICA S.A. * Manufacture of oils and fats 624 4,7% 23,2 141,7%
369 PL HUTCHINSON POLAND SP. Z O.O. Manufacture of other rubber products 622 2,9% 48,4 -24,2%
370 PL ZJEDNOCZONE PRZEDSIĘBIORSTWA ROZRYWKOWE S.A. * Gambling and betting activities 615 11,1% 9,6 -53,7%
371 CZ EBERSPÄCHER SPOL. S R.O. Manufacture of other parts and accessories for motor vehicles 615 -7,2% 11,7 -26,4%
372 HU TEVA GYÓGYSZERGYÁR ZRT.* Manufacture of pharmaceutical preparations 612 -30,8% 409,2 > -1 000
373 CZ PRAŽSKÁ ENERGETIKA, A.S. Trade of electricity 609 -1,0% 90,8 5,6%
374 BG ASTRA BIOPLANT Manufacture of other chemical products n.e.c. 609 12,3% 6,6 551,0%
375 RO SOCIETATEA COMPLEXUL ENERGETIC OLTENIA S.A. Production of electricity 609 -3,0% -243,1 -726,8%
376 BG SOPHARMA  JSC* Manufacture of pharmaceutical preparations 608 16,3% 15,7 -33,1%
377 PL JYSK SP. Z O.O. Retail sale of furniture, lighting equipment and other household articles in specialised stores 608 13,9% 27,6 11,1%
378 SK BILLA  s.r.o. Retail sale in non-specialised stores with food, beverages or tobacco predominating 607 10,8% 6,2 -7,0%
379 RO CARGILL AGRICULTURA SRL Wholesale of grain, unmanufactured tobacco, seeds and animal feeds 604 23,5% -3,8 -273,0%
380 LT ENERGIJOS SKIRSTYMO OPERATORIUS AB Distribution of electricity 603 -1,2% 15,7 -79,8%
381 PL GRUPA MASPEX SP. Z O.O. SP.K. Business and other management consultancy activities 602 9,8% 7,9 -21,2%
382 CZ SILMET PŘÍBRAM A.S. Wholesale of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels and related products 595 28,8% 3,0 937,0%
383 PL SUPERHOBBY Market Budowlany Sp. z o.o. Retail sale of furniture, lighting equipment and other household articles in specialised stores 595 7,4% 13,1 -49,8%
384 HU APTIV SERVICES HUNGARY KFT. Manufacture of electronic components 593 0,3% -1,1 n.a.
385 LT SPECTATOR UAB* Accounting, bookkeeping and auditing activities; tax consultancy 592 16,2% 7,8 -47,3%
386 HU NISSAN SALES CENTRAL & EASTERN EUROPE KERESKEDELMI KFT.1 Sale of cars and light motor vehicles 586 0,0% 0,0 n.a.
387 HU SE-CEE SCHNEIDER ELECTRIC KÖZÉP-KELET EURÓPAI KFT. Warehousing and storage 585 9,8% 13,2 -27,2%
388 SK Continental Matador Truck Tires s.r.o. Manufacture of rubber tyres and tubes; retreading and rebuilding of rubber tyres 585 4,6% 70,6 14,9%
389 PL NGK CERAMICS POLSKA SP. Z O.O. Manufacture of other ceramic products 577 -0,7% 43,2 -54,1%
390 HU VIDEOTON HOLDING ZRT.  * Renting and leasing of other machinery, equipment and tangible goods n.e.c. 577 8,4% 60,9 44,3%
391 PL INTERNATIONAL PAPER-KWIDZYN SP. Z O.O. Manufacture of paper and paperboard 577 2,0% 63,6 -39,1%
393 BG DAPHNA GROUP LTD* Business and other management consultancy activities 573 8,3% 4,4 -31,4%
394 BG AEC KOZLODUI JSC* Production of electricity 573 20,0% 83,6 38,2%
395 PL FLEXTRONICS INTERNATIONAL POLAND SP. Z O.O. Manufacture of communication equipment 571 -36,0% -13,1 -135,9%
396 HU NI HUNGARY SOFTWARE ÉS HARDWARE GYÁRTÓ KFT. Manufacture of loaded electronic boards 569 18,1% 60,8 24,3%
397 PL WORK SERVICE S.A. * Employment activities 568 -8,0% 1,9 n.a.
398 HU ELMŰ-ÉMÁSZ ENERGIASZOLGÁLTATÓ ZRT. Trade of electricity 568 2,2% 0,7 762,8%
399 CZ GASNET, S.R.O. Distribution of gaseous fuels through mains 567 -1,5% 177,6 -2,4%
400 EE MANOIR ENERGY OU Wholesale of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels and related products 567 34,0% 5,4 36,5%
401 HU PHILIP MORRIS MAGYARORSZÁG CIGARETTA KERESKEDELMI KFT. Wholesale of tobacco products 566 12,2% 3,3 0,3%
402 RO TELEKOM ROMANIA COMMUNICATIONS S.A. Wired telecommunications activities 565 -2,9% -26,4 n.a.
403 RO TAKATA ROMANIA SRL Manufacture of other parts and accessories for motor vehicles 562 -4,5% 10,6 3,0%
404 CZ STAVEBNINY DEK A.S. Wholesale of wood, construction materials and sanitary equipment 561 22,6% 8,1 10,3%
405 CZ ČEPS, A.S. Transmission of electricity 560 -27,8% 91,0 0,6%
406 CZ ARMEX OIL, S.R.O. Wholesale of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels and related products 560 5,5% 3,5 -47,4%
407 LV ORLEN LATVIJA SIA Wholesale of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels and related products 560 21,5% 3,4 44,6%
408 RO ALRO SA Aluminium production 560 5,3% 48,5 -28,9%
409 PL ROBERT BOSCH SP. Z O.O. Wholesale trade of motor vehicle parts and accessories 557 8,8% 15,9 14,2%
410 RO OSCAR DOWNSTREAM SRL Wholesale of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels and related products 557 27,0% 12,6 -20,9%
411 HR SPAR HRVATSKA D.O.O. Other retail sale in non-specialised stores 557 22,8% -5,5 n.a.
412 PL OPERATOR GAZOCIĄGÓW PRZESYŁOWYCH GAZ-SYSTEM S.A. * Transport via pipeline 551 3,4% 120,0 4,8%
413 SK N I K É , spol. s r.o. Gambling and betting activities 551 17,9% 10,0 -1,2%
414 CZ VODAFONE CZECH REPUBLIC A.S. Wireless telecommunications activities 550 1,5% 43,7 51,0%
415 SK Orange Slovensko, a.s. Wireless telecommunications activities 549 -0,9% 74,3 -19,4%
416 HU LEAR CORPORATION HUNGARY AUTÓIPARI GYÁRTÓ KFT. Manufacture of electrical and electronic equipment for motor vehicles 548 -15,5% -14,3 >1 000
417 PL ANWIL S.A. Manufacture of plastics in primary forms 545 -2,8% 48,7 -35,7%
418 HU MET MAGYARORSZÁG ENERGIAKERESKEDŐ ZRT. Trade of gas through mains 545 -12,5% 0,3 -70,6%
419 HU ELMŰ-ÉMÁSZ ENERGIAKERESKEDŐ KFT. Trade of electricity 544 6,6% 2,0 -62,0%
420 RO COCA-COLA HBC ROMANIA SRL Manufacture of soft drinks; production of mineral waters and other bottled waters 542 14,0% 71,4 -1,4%
421 SK IKEA Components s.r.o. Wholesale of hardware, plumbing and heating equipment and supplies 542 6,9% 7,9 -16,6%
422 HR PLIVA HRVATSKA D.O.O. Manufacture of pharmaceutical preparations 541 -7,5% 15,3 -78,0%
423 LT NEO GROUP UAB Manufacture of plastics in primary forms 541 33,3% 31,6 117,4%
424 PL CARGOTEC POLAND SP. Z O.O. Manufacture of metal structures and parts of structures 541 24,2% 17,7 5,6%
425 HR HEP-ODS D.O.O. Distribution of electricity 537 -7,8% 72,1 -21,3%
426 RO PHILIP MORRIS TRADING SRL Wholesale of tobacco products 537 5,5% 35,0 16,1%
427 PL ZESPÓŁ ELEKTROWNI PĄTNÓW-ADAMÓW-KONIN S.A. * Production of electricity 535 -5,7% -107,8 -352,6%
428 HU VODAFONE MAGYARORSZÁG MOBIL TÁVKÖZLÉSI ZRT.1 Wireless telecommunications activities 535 0,0% 0,0 -100,0%
429 PL COCA-COLA HBC POLSKA SP. Z O.O. Manufacture of soft drinks; production of mineral waters and other bottled waters 535 11,5% 32,8 28,8%
430 SI RENAULT NISSAN SLOVENIJA, D.O.O. Sale of cars and light motor vehicles 535 11,8% 8,4 74,2%
431 RO ENEL ENERGIE MUNTENIA SA Trade of electricity 534 16,7% -1,5 n.a.
432 PL TOYOTA MOTOR MANUFACTURING POLAND SP. Z O.O. Manufacture of other parts and accessories for motor vehicles 533 -5,3% -0,3 -102,8%
433 SI PORSCHE SLOVENIJA D.O.O. Sale of cars and light motor vehicles 532 3,4% 12,4 6,7%
434 SK Mondi SCP, a.s. Manufacture of paper and paperboard 532 3,1% 87,7 21,4%
435 LT VG HOLDING UAB* Activities of head offices 531 8,7% 22,8 7,5%
436 PL MAN TRUCK & BUS POLSKA Sp. z o.o. Sale of other motor vehicles 530 18,9% -4,0 -131,5%
437 HU TELENOR MAGYARORSZÁG ZRT. Wireless telecommunications activities 530 7,4% 98,0 19,1%
438 HR HEP PROIZVODNJA D.O.O. Production of electricity 528 12,6% 58,1 -15,4%
439 EE ENEFIT ENERGIATOOTMINE AS Production of electricity 528 27,3% 57,0 >1 000
440 PL WIPASZ S.A. Manufacture of prepared feeds for farm animals 528 0,2% 15,2 -0,9%
441 PL SOLARIS BUS & COACH S.A.* Manufacture of motor vehicles 527 7,8% -74,0 >1 000
442 BG SOFIA MED JSC Copper production 525 21,1% 6,5 -28,8%
443 SK PHOENIX Zdravotnícke zásobovanie, a.s. Wholesale of pharmaceutical goods 524 -6,8% 4,7 -13,0%
444 LT KAUNO GRŪDAI AB* Manufacture of prepared feeds for farm animals 523 12,1% 7,6 12,9%
445 HU VALEO AUTO-ELECTRIC MAGYARORSZÁG GÉPJÁRMŰALKATRÉSZ-GYÁRTÓ KFT. Manufacture of electrical and electronic equipment for motor vehicles 523 2,9% -6,8 -166,2%
446 PL TUI POLAND Sp. z o.o. Tour operator activities 521 59,5% 2,7 n.a.
447 RO PIRELLI TYRES ROMANIA SRL Manufacture of rubber tyres and tubes; retreading and rebuilding of rubber tyres 521 7,8% 19,5 16,0%
448 CZ FERONA, A.S. Wholesale of metals and metal ores 519 3,1% 8,2 -28,0%
449 PL FAMUR S.A.* Manufacture of machinery for mining, quarrying and construction 518 52,7% 51,0 286,3%
450 BG HUVEPROJECT JSC* Manufacture of pharmaceutical preparations 517 19,0% 84,1 6,0%
451 HU SYNOPSYS GLOBAL LICENCIA SZOLGÁLTATÓ ÉS KERESKEDELMI KFT. Other business support service activities n.e.c. 515 15,2% 661,6 984,6%
452 PL SWISS KRONO SP. Z O.O. Manufacture of veneer sheets and wood-based panels 515 5,3% 82,1 62,9%
453 LT VICIUNU GRUPE UAB* Activities of head offices 515 7,1% 22,3 -100,0%
454 PL AVON OPERATIONS POLSKA SP. Z O.O. Manufacture of perfumes and toilet preparations 514 -1,8% 39,7 -10,9%
455 PL BAYER SP. Z O.O. Wholesale of chemical products 513 -7,8% 19,5 -16,5%
456 PL TELEWIZJA POLSKA S.A. Motion picture, video and television programme production activities 512 24,1% 0,8 519,5%
457 RO ENEL ENERGIE SA Trade of electricity 512 19,0% -9,7 n.a.
458 HR PLODINE D.D. Retail sale in non-specialised stores with food, beverages or tobacco predominating 510 0,3% 16,0 7,1%
459 PL HAVI LOGISTICS SP. Z O.O. Freight transport by road 507 18,0% 0,9 -0,9%
460 BG Independent Bulgarian Energy Exchange JSC Trade of electricity 507 59,8% 2,0 141,2%
461 SK UNIPHARMA – 1. slovenská lekárnická akciová spoločnosť Wholesale of pharmaceutical goods 506 6,7% 2,3 -12,3%
462 CZ HP TRONIC ZLÍN, SPOL. S R.O. Retail sale of electrical household appliances in specialised stores 505 67,3% -3,2 -349,7%
463 PL IMPEL S.A. * Activities of head offices 505 -3,7% 3,8 18,6%
464 SK Západoslovenská distribučná, a.s. Distribution of electricity 503 0,3% 65,1 0,8%
465 CZ ADIENT BOR S.R.O. Manufacture of other parts and accessories for motor vehicles 501 16,8% -14,3 n.a.
466 RO MERCEDES-BENZ ROMANIA SRL Sale of cars and light motor vehicles 500 12,4% 6,0 -4,8%
467 HU GLENCORE AGRICULTURE HUNGARY KFT. Wholesale of grain, unmanufactured tobacco, seeds and animal feeds 500 3,1% -10,0 n.a.
468 CZ VARROC LIGHTING SYSTEMS, S.R.O. Manufacture of electric lighting equipment 500 7,9% 23,3 -29,1%
469 PL GOBARTO S.A. Processing and preserving of meat 499 21,4% 4,1 -42,7%
470 CZ AUTOMOTIVE LIGHTING S.R.O. Manufacture of electrical and electronic equipment for motor vehicles 499 -20,5% 25,7 -56,1%
471 PL BREMBO POLAND SP. Z O.O. Manufacture of other parts and accessories for motor vehicles 498 17,7% 74,8 -18,0%
472 PL KRAJOWA SPÓŁKA CUKROWA S.A. * Manufacture of sugar 497 -25,9% 7,9 -91,0%
473 RO ARCTIC SA Manufacture of electric domestic appliances 497 4,7% 15,6 -1,7%
474 CZ PHILIP MORRIS ČR A.S. Manufacture of tobacco products 496 9,4% 146,8 7,0%
475 RO BLUE AIR AVIATION S.A. Passenger air transport 495 20,5% -31,2 n.a.
476 SK Železnice Slovenskej republiky Service activities incidental to land transportation 495 6,3% 0,2 68,6%
477 PL PT DYSTRYBUCJA S.A.* Wholesale of tobacco products 494 -11,2% -0,8 n.a.
478 HU METRO KERESKEDELMI KFT. Non-specialised wholesale of food, beverages and tobacco 494 2,0% 2,9 n.a.
479 SK FORTUNA SK, a.s. Gambling and betting activities 493 26,5% 9,9 -2,8%
480 PL SCANIA POLSKA S.A. Sale of motor vehicles 493 14,2% 29,4 29,4%
481 BG BULGARIAN TELECOMMUNICATIONS COMPANY JSC* Telecommunications 493 6,4% 65,3 79,6%
482 EE BALTIC SEA BUNKERING OU* Accounting, bookkeeping and auditing activities; tax consultancy 493 165,4% 5,1 -4,6%
483 SK Schaeffler Skalica, spol. s r.o. Manufacture of bearings, gears, gearing and driving elements 493 2,2% 10,6 36,6%
484 RO REGIA NATIONALA A PADURILOR ROMSILVA RA Silviculture and other forestry activities 492 17,0% 38,2 -28,4%
485 CZ SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS CZECH AND SLOVAK, S.R.O. Wholesale of electrical household appliances 490 -3,9% 9,8 -13,5%
486 HU EGIS GYÓGYSZERGYÁR ZRT.* Manufacture of pharmaceutical preparations 490 1,3% 53,1 -29,1%
487 EE NT BUNKERING AS Wholesale of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels and related products 487 169,7% 4,6 12,4%
488 PL ANIMEX K4 Sp. z o.o. Processing and preserving of meat 487 -13,2% 1,1 -14,0%
489 PL HURTAP S.A. Wholesale of pharmaceutical goods 486 1,5% 2,5 -5,7%
490 SK ESET, spol. s r.o. Other information technology and computer service activities 485 3,3% 68,1 4,0%
491 BG LITEX JSC* Wholesale of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels and related products 485 43,1% -5,6 -785,1%
492 PL COGNOR HOLDING S.A.* Activities of head offices 484 16,4% 16,8 44,4%
493 BG LIDL BULGARIA EOOD END KO COMMONDITE Retail sale in non-specialised stores with food, beverages or tobacco predominating 482 12,3% 15,0 63,9%
494 EE MAXIMA EESTI OU Retail sale in non-specialised stores with food, beverages or tobacco predominating 481 3,8% 7,4 -9,8%
495 SI ENGROTUŠ PODJETJE ZA TRGOVINO, D.O.O. Retail sale in non-specialised stores with food, beverages or tobacco predominating 481 -1,0% 1,7 -72,2%
496 HU MÁV MAGYAR ÁLLAMVASUTAK ZRT. Service activities incidental to land transportation 481 1,8% 33,6 38,0%
497 RO BOSCH AUTOMOTIVE S.R.L. Manufacture of bearings, gears, gearing and driving elements 481 26,7% 28,2 73,8%
498 HR KAUFLAND HRVATSKA K.D. Retail sale in non-specialised stores with food, beverages or tobacco predominating 481 -0,2% -3,5 n.a.
499 PL WIELTON S.A. * Manufacture of bodies (coachwork) for motor vehicles; manufacture of trailers and semi-trailers 480 29,5% 16,5 -14,9%
500 EE ORLEN EESTI OU Wholesale of solid, liquid and gaseous fuels and related products 478 29,1% 2,3 28,0%

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